Ana C. Krieger   Chief, Sleep Neurology

  • +1 646 962 7378

Dr. Krieger is a clinician scientist, investigating mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in sleep disorders. She successfully completed a Scientist Development Award by the American Heart Association evaluating oxidative stress in patients with Cheyne-Stokes Respiration during sleep and Congestive Heart Failure. Dr. Krieger is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health for evaluating vascular thrombosis and Stroke in Sleep Apnea. She actively collaborates with many investigators in the field of sleep medicine and has contributed to multiple scientific publications and presentations.


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Funding awarded

  • Defining the Role of Sleep in Cancer Immunity and Metabolism  awarded by Starr Cancer Consortium Principal Investigator 2022 - 2023
  • HIV, Sleep, Nocturnal Non-dipping, and Cardiovascular Disease: a Tanzanian Cohort  awarded by National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute Co-Investigator 2021 - 2026
  • missing activity Principal Investigator Subaward 2022 - 2023



full name

  • Ana C. Krieger

primary email

External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

    Advisory/Scientific Board Member refers to a group of individuals who have been selected to advise a business regarding any number of issues (e.g., scientific advisory board member, medical advisory board member)Advisory/Scientific Board Member:
    Somnum Pharma, Inc
    Ownership refers to any financial stake an individual owns in any company (e.g., stock options, equity interest)Ownership:
    Biosleep Technologies; Somnum Pharma, Inc
    Proprietary Interest refers to ownership of intellectual property rights (e.g., trademarks, patents, royalty income)Proprietary Interest:
    Biosleep Technologies