Daniel Shalev   Assistant Professor of Medicine


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Funding awarded

  • missing activity Principal Investigator 2024 - 2029
  • Integrating Medicare and Medicaid for dual eligibles with serious mental illness: studying healthcare utilization, quality, and mortality  awarded by National Institute of Mental Health Co-Investigator 2024 - 2029
  • Bridging Gaps and Transforming CARE for Young Breast Cancer Survivors and those with Metastatic Disease  awarded by Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Co-Investigator 2024 - 2029
  • The Weill Cornell Medicine Research Training Program in Behavioral Geriatrics  awarded by National Institute on Aging Key Personnel 2021 - 2026



full name

  • Daniel Shalev

primary email

  • das2043@med.cornell.edu

External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

    Other Interests refers to miscellaneous financial interests not covered in other categories (e.g., stipends, anything of monetary value)Other Interest:
    American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine