Joy Deanna Howell   Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

  • +1 212 746 3272

I am heavily involved in a bi-campus initiative on pediatric ventilator associated pneumonia (pVAP). Although primarily a quality improvement initiative, we recently presented an abstract describing our process for developing a case definition tool for the diagnosis of pVAP and implementing a pediatric VAP bundle that was presented at the Society for Critical Care Medicine Annual Congress.

Near-4-Kids is a mulit-institutional national emergency airway registry for children; it is another quality improvement initiative, with a research component, that I participate in. This collaborative seeks to identify factors associated with adverse events surrounding tracheal intubation with an ultimate goal of compiling ‘best practices' surrounding to tracheal intubation associated with a reduced risk of adverse events.

As fellowship program director, I am supervising several of the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine fellows as they develop, conduct and complete their research projects. These include a recently completed pilot study evaluating the relationship between severity of illness and interleukin-12 (IL-12) levels and an ongoing study to assess the utility of a vancomycin dosing protocol to improve efficiency and reduce toxicity associated with vancomycin dosing. Planned studies involving or led by fellows include: a prospective study evaluating the utility of noninvasive cardiac output monitoring in the pediatric population; a prospective study utilizing urine cortisol levels to assess the appropriateness of empiric stress hydrocortisone dosing in patients with a clinical assessment of adrenal insufficiency; a prospective study assessing the use of simulation of unsuccessful resuscitations in improving resident communication and comfort around end-of-life care.


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Funding awarded

  • Advancing Success and Persistence in Research Education (ASPiRE)  awarded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences Principal Investigator 2023 - 2028
  • Optimizing Pain Treatment In Children On Mechanical ventilation (OPTICOM)  awarded by National Institute of Child Health & Human Development Co-Investigator 2024 - 2029


full name

  • Joy Deanna Howell

primary email


External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

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