Puja Chebrolu   Assistant Professor of Medicine

  • +1 212 746 4071

I am a physician-scientist at Weill Cornell in the departments of Medicine and Global Health. My research focuses on the prevention and treatment of diabetes in South Asians. This interest was inspired by early clinical experiences I had in rural India, when I learned about the clinical conundrum of managing patients with “lean” diabetes, a phenotype of type 2 diabetes that affects >50% of people with diabetes in India. Indians are under-represented in diabetes research resulting in clinical guidelines that may not account for their “lean” physiology.

I currently work in Pune, India. Specifically, I study the interaction of HIV with gestational diabetes and have shown that HIV is an independent risk factor for gestational diabetes in lean women in Pune, India. I also study risk factors for gestational diabetes and its major long-term consequence - postpartum diabetes. Long-term, I want to design interventions that prevent the development of diabetes in young women.


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full name

  • Puja Chebrolu

primary email

  • puc9005@med.cornell.edu