Stella Claire Major   Professor of Family Medicine Teaching in Medicine

Stella Major completed her medical and postgraduate training in General Practice, in London England. She is a  fellow of the Royal college of General Practice (FRCGP) in UK and holds an active license to practice both in the UK, as well as in Qatar.

She has over 30 years of experience as a clinician, medical educator and researcher. She has held leadership and faculty positions in the UK as well as internationally, in Lebanon, UAE. Since 2013, she is at the Weill Cornell Medical School, in Qatar where she serves as Associate Professor of Family Medicine in Clinical Medicine and Director of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab.

She is a certified simulation educator (CHSE-A) by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and a SimUniversity faculty member for the Society in Europe for Simulation applied to medicine (SESAM). Since 2020, she was awarded the status as Qatar's deputy national representative to the International Association for Communication in Healthcare www.each.International



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selected publications


research overview

  • My research has focused on a aspects which are relevant to my role as a clinician educator.

    Clinical Themes
    Patient Safety and Medication Use, Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care, Pregnancy Loss, Locus of control and clinical experience living with Migraine Headaches.

    Global/International Medical education:
    Being an International educator, Medical Students Career choices, Brain Drain and Medical trainees, Teaching Communication Skills to medical students, Expressions of Empathy among medical students trained in a 2nd language, Use of simulation based learning to teach cultural competency.

    Technology in Medical Education:
    Web-OSCEs to assess clinical skills during the pandemic, Distance Simulation based competitions, the use of Virtual Reality to promote empathy among medical students, Video-based Telemedicine encounters to enhance medical students skills in Health Literacy.


teaching overview

  • My teaching responsibilities directly relate to the knowledge and skills for patient care and physicianship. 
    I teach in the Foundational Sciences, in the Patient Care and Physicianship Units, and also support clinical teaching in the clerkships, including Primary Care, ANCC and Bootcamp.

    My goals are to support medical students learn effective history taking, physical examination and clinical reasoning., drawing on the Calgary Cambridge Model of Interviewing skills and Patient Care. I draw upon a variety of modalities to meet these goals. These include large group teaching activities, small group facilitations and simulation based learning both with simulated patients one on one with learners as well as team based learning using immersive technology assisted simulations.

    As a reflective practitioners, I encourage my students to develop critical thinking and reflexive skills.



full name

  • Stella Claire Major

primary email


mailing address

  • Education City




