Stella Major completed her medical and postgraduate training in General Practice, in London England. She is a fellow of the Royal college of General Practice (FRCGP) in UK and holds an active license to practice both in the UK, as well as in Qatar.
She has over 30 years of experience as a clinician, medical educator and researcher. She has held leadership and faculty positions in the UK as well as internationally, in Lebanon, UAE. Since 2013, she is at the Weill Cornell Medical School, in Qatar where she serves as Associate Professor of Family Medicine in Clinical Medicine and Director of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab.
She is a certified simulation educator (CHSE-A) by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and a SimUniversity faculty member for the Society in Europe for Simulation applied to medicine (SESAM). Since 2020, she was awarded the status as Qatar's deputy national representative to the International Association for Communication in Healthcare www.each.International