publication venue for
- Immune Response to Human Papillomavirus One Year after Prophylactic Vaccination with AS04-Adjuvanted HPV-16/18 Vaccine: HPV-Specific IgG and IgA Antibodies in the Circulation and the Cervix. 19. 2018
- Survival in Good Performance Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Patients; Prognostic Factors and Predictors of Response.. 18. 2017
- Prognostic Value of Prepro-Gastrin Releasing Peptide in Lung Cancer Patients; NCI-Prospective Study.. 17. 2016
- Association between urinary cadmium and all cause, all cancer and prostate cancer specific mortalities for men: an analysis of national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES III) data.. 15. 2014
- Exercise barriers in Korean colorectal cancer patients.. 15. 2014
- Socio-economic factors affect the outcome of soft tissue sarcoma: an analysis of SEER data.. 15. 2014
- A novel polymorphism in BRCA2 exon 8 and breast cancer risk in South India.. 12. 2011
- Cytogenetic biomonitoring of road paving workers occupationally exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.. 12. 2011
- Enhanced calreticulin expression triggers apoptosis in the MCF-7 cell line.. 11. 2010
- Evaluation of DNA damage induction and repair inhibition in welders exposed to hexavalent chromium.. 11. 2010
- Genotoxic effects of textile printing dye exposed workers in India detected by micronucleus assay.. 11. 2010
- Do we need to maximise the breast cancer screening awareness? Experience with an endogamous society with high fertility.. 10. 2009
- Impact of consanguinity on cancer in a highly endogamous population.. 10. 2009
- XRCC1399 and hOGG1326 polymorphisms and frequencies of micronuclei, comet and chromosomal aberrations among tobacco chewers: a South Indian population study.. 10. 2009
- Comparison of bladder cancer survival among Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian and Caucasian populations in the United States.. 4. 2003
- Metformin association with lower prostate cancer recurrence in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2015