publication venue for
- Series of first-order phase shifts correct lattice reduction of fractional K-space indices.. 349. 2023
- "Free super-resolution MRI by BRICKD slices".. 341. 2022
- A non-synthetic approach to extending the lifetime of hyperpolarized molecules using D2O solvation.. 295. 2018
- Hyperpolarized 13C pyruvate mouse brain metabolism with absorptive-mode EPSI at 1T.. 275. 2016
- Separation of extra- and intracellular metabolites using hyperpolarized (13)C diffusion weighted MR.. 270. 2016
- Diffusion weighted MRI by spatiotemporal encoding: analytical description and in vivo validations.. 232. 2013
- Compressed sensing sodium MRI of cartilage at 7T: preliminary study.. 214. 2011
- Multi-compound polarization by DNP allows simultaneous assessment of multiple enzymatic activities in vivo.. 205. 2010
- Water suppression without signal loss in HR-MAS 1H NMR of cells and tissues.. 171. 2004