publication venue for
- Psychiatric comorbidities among undergraduate and graduate students attending spiritual-mind-body interventions. 2023
- Reply to the letter to the editor on "factors associated with perceived stress in Middle Eastern university students". 2023
- International student stressors and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. 2022
- Dietary patterns and associated lifestyle factors among university students in Qatar.. 71. 2021
- Associations between social contagion, group conformity characteristics, and non-suicidal self-injury.. 71. 2021
- Factors associated with perceived stress in Middle Eastern university students.. 70. 2021
- Prevalence and correlates of mental health symptoms and disorders among US international college students.. 70. 2021
- Priorities for addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on college student mental health.. 70. 2020
- Assessment of a comprehensive naloxone education program's impact on community member knowledge and attitudes on a college campus.. 70. 2020
- Adoption of electronic-cigarette-free, hookah-free and American College Health Association recommended tobacco-free policies among a national sample of postsecondary educational institutions.. 68. 2018
- Racial/ethnic disparities in US college students' experience: Discrimination as an impediment to academic performance.. 66. 2018
- Longitudinal changes in anthropometry and body composition in university freshmen.. 65. 2017
- The slope of change: an environmental management approach to reduce drinking on a day of celebration at a US college.. 61. 2013
- Impact of an online alcohol education course on behavior and harm for incoming first-year college students: short-term evaluation of a randomized trial.. 57. 2009
- Indoor tanning and problem behavior.. 56. 2008
- Inconsistent contraceptive use among female college students: implications for intervention.. 43. 1995