publication venue for
- Validation of an endoscopic anastomotic grading score as an intraoperative method for assessing stapled rectal anastomoses. 2023
- Analysis of delay in adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer.. 27. 2022
- 3D visualization of perianal fistulas using parametric models.. 26. 2022
- Complex polypectomy in the sigmoid colon using a double-balloon endolumenal intervention platform.. 25. 2021
- Assessing the effectiveness of laser fistulectomy for anal fistula: a retrospective cohort study.. 24. 2020
- Adipose tissue grafting for management of persistent anastomotic leak after low anterior resection.. 23. 2019
- Robotic ventral mesh rectopexy for rectal prolapse: a single-institution experience.. 21. 2017
- Transvaginal sacrospinous rectopexy: initial clinical experience.. 14. 2010