publication venue for
- FkpA enhances membrane protein folding using an extensive interaction surface.. 32. 2023
- Domain interactions determine the conformational ensemble of the periplasmic chaperone SurA.. 29. 2020
- Structural insights into phosphopantetheinyl hydrolase PptH from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.. 29. 2020
- Exploring the role of post-translational modifications in regulating α-synuclein interactions by studying the effects of phosphorylation on nanobody binding.. 27. 2018
- Structure and dynamics of the extended-helix state of alpha-synuclein: Intrinsic lability of the linker region.. 27. 2018
- Single-molecule imaging reveals the translocation and DNA looping dynamics of hepatitis C virus NS3 helicase.. 26. 2017
- Cdk5 phosphorylation of EFhd2 at S74 affects its calcium binding activity.. 23. 2014
- Structural transitions in tau k18 on micelle binding suggest a hierarchy in the efficacy of individual microtubule-binding repeats in filament nucleation.. 22. 2013
- A novel method for the production of in vivo-assembled, recombinant Escherichia coli RNA polymerase lacking the α C-terminal domain.. 20. 2011
- Purification of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase using a self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide tag.. 19. 2010
- Discovery and characterization of a mammalian amyloid disaggregation activity.. 19. 2010
- Charge neutralization and collapse of the C-terminal tail of alpha-synuclein at low pH.. 18. 2009
- Rational redesign of neutral endopeptidase binding to merlin and moesin proteins.. 18. 2009
- Structural effects of Parkinson's disease linked DJ-1 mutations.. 17. 2008
- Contributions of the interdomain loop, amino terminus, and subunit interface to the ligand-facilitated dimerization of neurophysin: crystal structures and mutation studies of bovine neurophysin-I.. 16. 2007
- Probing protein structure and dynamics by second-derivative ultraviolet absorption analysis of cation-{pi} interactions.. 15. 2006
- Modulation of protein aggregation by polyethylene glycol conjugation: GCSF as a case study.. 15. 2006
- Secondary structure and dynamics of micelle bound beta- and gamma-synuclein.. 15. 2006
- Helix periodicity, topology, and dynamics of membrane-associated alpha-synuclein.. 14. 2005
- The structures of the unique sulfotransferase retinol dehydratase with product and inhibitors provide insight into enzyme mechanism and inhibition.. 14. 2004
- Novel alpha7-like nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.. 11. 2002
- Competing modes of self-association in the regulatory domains of Bruton's tyrosine kinase: intramolecular contact versus asymmetric homodimerization.. 11. 2002
- Modeling of loops in protein structures.. 9. 2000
- The role of backbone conformational heat capacity in protein stability: temperature dependent dynamics of the B1 domain of Streptococcal protein G.. 9. 2000
- Structural basis of neurophysin hormone specificity: Geometry, polarity, and polarizability in aromatic ring interactions.. 8. 1999
- Identification of a novel domain shared by putative components of the endocytic and cytoskeletal machinery.. 8. 1999
- Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase.. 7. 1998
- Oligomerization properties of GCN4 leucine zipper e and g position mutants.. 6. 1997
- The ubiquitous cofactor NADH protects against substrate-induced inhibition of a pyridoxal enzyme.. 5. 1996
- Catalytic ability and stability of two recombinant mutants of D-amino acid transaminase involved in coenzyme binding.. 4. 1995
- Purification and crystallization of benzoylformate decarboxylase.. 4. 1995
- Differences in hydrogen exchange behavior between the oxidized and reduced forms of Escherichia coli thioredoxin.. 1. 1992
- Reduction of thioredoxin significantly decreases its partial specific volume and adiabatic compressibility.. 1. 1992
- Signaling mechanisms and physiological functions of G-protein Gα13 in blood vessel formation, bone homeostasis, and cancer. 2018
- Atomic resolution structure determination by the cryo-EM method MicroED. 2016
- Current view on regulation of voltage-gated sodium channels by calcium and auxiliary proteins. 2016