publication venue for
- Erroneous pressure measurement due to artificially deformed vessel during angioplasty. 1997
- Guidewire bias: potential source of complications with rotational atherectomy. 1996
- Sarcoidosis, pulmonary hypertension, and acquired peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis. 1985
- Analysis of low-speed rotational atherectomy for the reduction of platelet aggregation.. 45. 1998
- Analysis of heat generation during rotational atherectomy using different operational techniques.. 44. 1998
- Use of bare-mounted Palmaz-Schatz stents employing the stent saddle technique on the delivery balloon: a single center experience.. 41. 1997
- Balloon atrial septostomy using a new low-profile balloon catheter: initial clinical results.. 40. 1997
- Management of pediatric patients with isolated valvar aortic stenosis by balloon aortic valvuloplasty.. 39. 1996
- Transcatheter embolization coil closure of patent ductus arteriosus--modified delivery for enhanced control during coil positioning.. 36. 1995
- Heterotopic heart transplantation: catheterization, endomyocardial biopsy, and coronary angiography of the donor heart.. 32. 1994
- Is intravascular ultrasound better than quantitative coronary arteriography to assess cardiac allograft arteriopathy?. 31. 1994
- Rotational ablation of coronary artery lesions using single, large burrs.. 26. 1992
- Left atrial size, pressure, and V wave height in patients with isolated, severe, pure mitral regurgitation.. 10. 1984
- An accurate and simplified method to calculate angiographic left ventricular ejection fraction.. 9. 1983
- Pulsed doppler echocardiographic detection of mitral regurgitation in mitral valve prolapse: correlation with cardiac arrhythmias.. 8. 1982
- Technique and strategy of rotational atherectomy. 1996