publication venue for
- Numerical Study on the Impact of Central Venous Catheter Placement on Blood Flow in the Cavo-Atrial Junction. 2024
- Biomimetic Placenta-Fetus Model Demonstrating Maternal-Fetal Transmission and Fetal Neural Toxicity of Zika Virus.. 46. 2018
- 3D Printed Modeling of the Mitral Valve for Catheter-Based Structural Interventions.. 45. 2016
- An eFace-Template Method for Efficiently Generating Patient-Specific Anatomically-Detailed Facial Soft Tissue FE Models for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Simulation.. 44. 2015
- Regurgitation Hemodynamics Alone Cause Mitral Valve Remodeling Characteristic of Clinical Disease States In Vitro.. 44. 2015
- Alterations in sagittal plane knee kinetics in knee osteoarthritis using a biomechanical therapy device.. 43. 2014
- Visualizing and quantifying acute inflammation using ICAM-1 specific nanoparticles and MRI quantitative susceptibility mapping.. 40. 2011
- Real-time imaging of perivascular transport of nanoparticles during convection-enhanced delivery in the rat cortex.. 40. 2011
- Multimodal 3D imaging of cells and tissue, bridging the gap between clinical and research microscopy.. 40. 2011
- Femoral head shape differences during development may identify hips at risk of degeneration.. 39. 2011
- Femoral head bone mineral density patterns may identify hips at risk of degeneration.. 39. 2010
- Design and validation of a novel splashing bioreactor system for use in mitral valve organ culture.. 38. 2010
- Vessel diameter measurement from intravital microscopy.. 37. 2009
- Computer modeling of red blood cell rheology in the microcirculation: a brief overview.. 33. 2005
- Simulated microgravity impairs leukemic cell survival through altering VEGFR-2/VEGF-A signaling pathway.. 33. 2005
- Genetically engineered biologically based hemostatic bioassay.. 31. 2003
- General strategy for hierarchical decomposition of multivariate time series: implications for temporal lobe seizures.. 29. 2001
- Real-Time linux dynamic clamp: a fast and flexible way to construct virtual ion channels in living cells.. 29. 2001
- "Artificial lymphatic system": a new approach to reduce interstitial hypertension and increase blood flow, pH and pO2 in solid tumors.. 28. 2000
- Enhancing the uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs into tumors using an "artificial lymphatic system".. 28. 2000
- Practical real-time computing system for biomedical experiment interface.. 27. 1999
- Influence of autoregressive model parameter uncertainty on spectral estimates of heart rate dynamics.. 23. 1995
- A relation between the Akaike criterion and reliability of parameter estimates, with application to nonlinear autoregressive modelling of ictal EEG.. 20. 1992
- Asymptotic approach of generalized orthogonal functional expansions to Wiener kernels.. 19. 1991
- Baroreceptor responses derived from a fundamental concept.. 16. 1988
- Biomedical Engineering Society 2000 Annual Fall Meeting. 12-14 October 2000. Abstracts. 2000
- Emerging trends in heart valve engineering: Part I. Solutions for future. 2014
- Emerging trends in heart valve engineering: Part II. Novel and standard technologies for aortic valve replacement. 2014
- Emerging trends in heart valve engineering: Part III. Novel technologies for mitral valve repair and replacement. 2014
- Roles of hemodynamic forces in vascular cell differentiation. 2005