publication venue for
- Clinical quiz. Exertional dyspnea in a 50-year-old man. 2006
- Anterior midline neck swelling. 2006
- Hemifacial spasm resulting from vertebral artery dolichoectasia. 2005
- Clinical and histologic studies of a Qatari family with myofibrillar myopathy. 2004
- Patient opinion of the doctor-patient relationship in a public hospital in Qatar.. 32. 2011
- Vitamin D status in health care professionals in Qatar.. 31. 2010
- Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation among Qatari patients admitted with various cardiovascular disorder. A population-based study.. 28. 2007
- Short-term efficacy and safety of valproate sustained-release formulation in newly diagnosed partial epilepsy VIPe-study. A multicenter observational open-label study.. 28. 2007
- Noncompaction cardiomyopathy in the State of Qatar.. 28. 2007
- Analysis of intelligence quotient in patients with homozygous beta-thalassemia.. 27. 2006
- The therapeutic value of elective laparoscopic appendectomy in the management of chronic abdominal pain.. 26. 2005
- Efficacy of endorectal ultrasonography in preoperative staging of rectal carcinoma.. 26. 2005
- Neurogenic stunned myocardium following hemorrhagic cerebral contusion.. 28. 2007
- Pathophysiology and hemodynamic of postresuscitation syndrome. 2006
- Noninvasive treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Where do we stand in 2005. 2006