publication venue for
- Collective efficacy: A protective factor for sexual minority men during the U.S. mpox outbreak.. 44. 2025
- Loneliness dynamics and physical health symptomology among midlife adults in daily life.. 43. 2024
- Psychological status and weight variability over eight years: Results from Look AHEAD.. 37. 2018
- Evaluation of coping as a mediator of the relationship between stressful life events and cancer-related distress.. 36. 2017
- From ideas to efficacy: The ORBIT model for developing behavioral treatments for chronic diseases.. 34. 2015
- Randomized trial of a presurgical scheduled reduced smoking intervention for patients newly diagnosed with cancer.. 33. 2013
- Perceived partner responsiveness moderates the association between received emotional support and all-cause mortality.. 32. 2012
- Spousal loss predicts alterations in diurnal cortisol activity through prospective changes in positive emotion.. 30. 2011
- Dyadic coping in metastatic breast cancer.. 29. 2010
- Social support from family and friends as a buffer of low spousal support among mothers of critically ill children: A multilevel modeling approach.. 27. 2008
- Social-cognitive processes as moderators of a couple-focused group intervention for women with early stage breast cancer.. 26. 2007
- Partner unsupportive responses, avoidant coping, and distress among women with early stage breast cancer: patient and partner perspectives.. 24. 2005
- Does the theory of planned behavior mediate the effects of an oncologist's recommendation to exercise in newly diagnosed breast cancer survivors? Results from a randomized controlled trial.. 24. 2005
- Interest in smoking cessation among emergency department patients.. 24. 2005
- Correlates of colorectal cancer screening compliance and stage of adoption among siblings of individuals with early onset colorectal cancer.. 21. 2002
- Changes in health-promoting behavior following diagnosis with HIV: prevalence and correlates in a national probability sample.. 20. 2001
- Persistent symptoms among survivors of Hodgkin's disease: an explanatory model based on classical conditioning.. 20. 2001
- Psychophysiological interrelations and reactivity characteristics in hypertensives.. 7 Suppl. 1988
- Treatment of hypertension at the workplace: an opportunity to link service and research. 1988
- Using fuzzy-trace theory to understand and improve health judgments, decisions, and behaviors: A literature review. 2016
- Echocardiography, hypertension, and left ventricular mass. 1988