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- A unique case report of a revision extensor mechanism reconstruction using Marlex mesh in the setting of proximal tibial bone deficiency: The tantalum clamshell technique. 2024
- Inferior short-term survivorship and patient outcomes for cementless compared to hybrid fixation with a cemented femoral implant in a novel blade-anchored medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty design: An analysis of 132 cases.. 52. 2024
- Quantitative-MRI analysis of the effects of retrograde nailing on vascularity of the distal femur: A cadaveric study.. 49. 2024
- Cause for concern? Significant cement coverage in retrieved metaphyseal cones after revision total knee arthroplasty.. 45. 2023
- Referencing the center of the femoral head during robotic or computer-navigated primary total knee arthroplasty results in less femoral component flexion than the traditional intramedullary axis.. 44. 2023
- Patellofemoral arthroplasty conversion to total knee arthroplasty: An updated retrieval analysis and clinical outcomes.. 43. 2023
- Wound complications following revision total knee arthroplasty: Prevalence and outcomes.. 42. 2023
- Robotic-assisted medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty restores estimated pre-arthritic coronal limb alignment: A retrospective cohort study.. 41. 2023
- Anterior cruciate ligament graft forces are sensitive to fixation angle and tunnel position within the native femoral footprint during passive flexion.. 33. 2021
- Delaying ACL reconstruction beyond 6 months from injury impacts likelihood for clinically significant outcome improvement.. 33. 2021
- Periprosthetic joint infection after primary TKA in the medicare population: How frequently are patients revised at a different hospital?. 31. 2021
- Reduced postoperative morbidity in computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty: A retrospective comparison of 225,123 cases.. 30. 2021
- Acute and delayed anterior cruciate ligament repair results in similar short to mid-term outcomes.. 29. 2021
- Gout in primary total knee arthroplasty: Prevalent but not independently associated with complications.. 28. 2020
- BioCartilage augmentation of marrow stimulation procedures for cartilage defects of the knee: Two-year clinical outcomes.. 27. 2020
- Return to sports following arthroscopic primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament in the adult population.. 27. 2020
- Understanding the undulating pattern of the distal femoral growth plate: Implications for surgical procedures involving the pediatric knee: A descriptive MRI study.. 27. 2020
- Postoperative outcomes of total knee arthroplasty compared to unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A matched comparison.. 27. 2020
- Satisfaction with return to sports after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty and what type of sports are patients doing.. 27. 2020
- The multiple ligament-injured knee: When is primary repair an option?. 27. 2020
- A greater reduction in the distal femoral anterior condyle improves flexion after total knee arthroplasty in patients with osteoarthritis.. 26. 2019
- Complications associated with staged versus simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty: An analysis of 7747 patients.. 26. 2019
- No safe zone: The anatomy of the saphenous nerve and its posteromedial branches.. 26. 2019
- Identifying candidates for arthroscopic primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament: A case-control study.. 26. 2019
- Incidence and safety profile of outpatient unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.. 26. 2019
- Comparison of pharmacologic prophylaxis in prevention of venous thromboembolism following total knee arthroplasty.. 26. 2019
- Is arthroscopic videotape a reliable tool for describing early joint tissue pathology of the knee?. 24. 2017
- Success rates, characteristics, and costs of articulating antibiotic spacers for total knee periprosthetic joint infection.. 24. 2017
- Using a non-invasive secure skin closure following total knee arthroplasty leads to fewer wound complications and no patient home care visits compared to surgical staples.. 24. 2017
- Patellofemoral arthroplasty conversion to total knee arthroplasty: Retrieval analysis and clinical correlation.. 24. 2017
- Optimization of sagittal and coronal planes with robotic-assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.. 24. 2017
- Range of motion and complications following primary repair versus reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament.. 24. 2017
- Patellar instability treated with distal femoral osteotomy.. 24. 2017
- Survivorship and patient satisfaction of robotic-assisted medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty at a minimum two-year follow-up.. 24. 2017
- Gap formation following primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament: A biomechanical evaluation.. 24. 2016
- Different optimal alignment but equivalent functional outcomes in medial and lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.. 23. 2016
- Patients with isolated lateral osteoarthritis: Unicompartmental or total knee arthroplasty?. 23. 2016
- Stemmed tibial revision component alignment: Does an anatomic conflict exist?. 23. 2016
- Reliability of predictive models for non-operative healing potential of stable juvenile osteochondritis dissecans knee lesions.. 23. 2016
- Tibial component considerations in bicruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty: A 3D MRI evaluation of proximal tibial anatomy.. 23. 2016
- Medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty improves congruence and restores joint space width of the lateral compartment.. 23. 2016
- Primary and coupled motions of the native knee in response to applied varus and valgus load.. 23. 2016
- Five year survivorship of primary non-modular stemless constrained knee arthroplasty.. 23. 2016
- Long-term results of total knee arthroplasty in young and active patients with posterior stabilized design.. 23. 2016
- Limited utility of routine early postoperative radiography after primary ACL reconstruction.. 23. 2016
- Kinematics of passive flexion following balanced and overstuffed fixed bearing unicondylar knee arthroplasty.. 22. 2015
- Assessment of the injection behavior of commercially available bone BSMs for Subchondroplasty® procedures.. 22. 2015
- Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of the painful unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.. 22. 2015
- Lower limb alignment control: is it more challenging in lateral compared to medial unicondylar knee arthroplasty?. 22. 2015
- Notchplasty in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the setting of passive anterior tibial subluxation.. 21. 2014
- Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction improves radiographic measures of patella alta in children.. 21. 2014
- Design changes improve contact patterns and articular surface damage in total knee arthroplasty.. 21. 2014
- Coronal tibiofemoral subluxation: a new measurement method.. 21. 2014
- Assessment of the lateral patellar facet in varus arthritis of the knee.. 21. 2014
- Patient satisfaction after primary total and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: an age-dependent analysis.. 21. 2013
- Range of motion and function are not affected by increased post constraint in patients undergoing posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty.. 21. 2013
- Characterization of the orientation and isometry of Humphrey's ligament.. 20. 2013
- Patient specific cutting guides versus an imageless, computer-assisted surgery system in total knee arthroplasty.. 20. 2013
- Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: is robotic technology more accurate than conventional technique?. 20. 2012
- Recutting the distal femur to increase maximal knee extension during TKA causes coronal plane laxity in mid-flexion.. 19. 2012
- Proud osteochondral autograft versus synthetic plugs--contact pressures with cyclical loading in a bovine knee model.. 19. 2012
- MRI analysis for rotation of total knee components.. 19. 2012
- Cadaveric results of an accelerometer based, extramedullary navigation system for the tibial resection in total knee arthroplasty.. 19. 2011
- The effect of medial condylar bone loss of the knee on coronal plane stability--a cadaveric study.. 19. 2011
- Effects of tibial slope changes in the stability of fixed bearing medial unicompartmental arthroplasty in anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees.. 19. 2011
- MRI analysis of the component-bone interface after TKA.. 19. 2011
- Can single limb support objectively assess the functional severity of knee osteoarthritis?. 19. 2011
- Matched-pair total knee arthroplasty retrieval analysis: oxidized zirconium vs. CoCrMo.. 18. 2010
- Sequential versus automated cutting guides in computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty.. 18. 2010
- Increasing pre-activation of the quadriceps muscle protects the anterior cruciate ligament during the landing phase of a jump: an in vitro simulation.. 17. 2009
- Role of tear location on outcomes of open primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament: A systematic review of historical studies. 2017
- Annual revision rates of partial versus total knee arthroplasty: A comparative meta-analysis. 2017
- Outcomes of cementless unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review. 2016
- Why do patellofemoral arthroplasties fail today? A systematic review. 2016
- Systematic review of medial versus lateral survivorship in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. 2015
- Survival and clinical outcome of isolated high tibial osteotomy and combined biological knee reconstruction. 2013
- How to address the patella in revision total knee arthroplasty. 2008
- Transfemoral amputation versus knee arthrodesis for failed total knee replacement: A systematic review of outcomes. 2024
- Primary repair with suture augmentation for proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears: A systematic review with meta-analysis. 2022