publication venue for
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Paraesophageal Hernia With Gastric Volvulus and Postnatal FBN1 Mutation Confirmation. 2025
- Prenatal diagnosis of factor X deficiency using a combination of direct mutation detection and linkage analysis with an intragenic single nucleotide polymorphism. 2003
- Prenatal diagnosis for keratin mutations to exclude transmission of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. 1998
- Perinatal Outcomes in Appropriately Grown Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins With Intermittent Absent and Reversed End-Diastolic Umbilical Artery Flow Compared to Selective Fetal Growth Restriction Type III. 2024
- Investigation into the genetics of fetal congenital lymphatic anomalies.. 43. 2023
- The epidemic of abnormal copy number variant cases missed because of reliance upon noninvasive prenatal screening.. 38. 2018
- The association between anticoagulation therapy, maternal characteristics, and a failed cfDNA test due to a low fetal fraction.. 37. 2017
- The added value of f-TAPSE in the surveillance of pregnancies complicated by fetal and placental tumors.. 37. 2017
- Testing for Noonan syndrome after increased nuchal translucency.. 37. 2017
- First trimester cystic hygroma: does early detection matter?. 36. 2016
- Low PAPP-A: the impact of ultrasound to evaluate fetal growth.. 36. 2015
- Comparison of method of conception in fetuses undergoing echocardiography at a tertiary referral center.. 34. 2014
- Laser ablation of placental anastomoses in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: preoperative predictors of death by recursive partitioning.. 33. 2013
- Circulating cell-free fetal DNA for the detection of RHD status and sex using reflex fetal identifiers.. 33. 2012
- Sequential testing for Down syndrome: the impact on estimated risk.. 32. 2012
- Isolated prenatal choroid plexus cysts do not affect child development.. 31. 2011
- Does timing of biochemistry in first-trimester aneuploidy risk assessment affect the gestational age at prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy termination?. 30. 2010
- First trimester pregnancy associated plasma protein-A as a marker for poor pregnancy outcome in patients with early-onset fetal growth restriction.. 29. 2009
- Prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy: Indian scenario.. 25. 2005
- Spontaneous resolution of cystic hygroma.. 10. 1990
- Monozygosity by cell-free DNA screening in a dichorionic twin pregnancy with discordant fetal sex: Informed antenatal and postnatal care. 2020