publication venue for
- Erratum: Enhancement of the in vivo persistence and antitumor efficacy of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells through the delivery of modified TERT mRNA. 2016
- Erratum: Enhancement of the in vivo persistence and antitumor efficacy of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells through the delivery of modified TERT mRNA. 2016
- Metabolic control of histone acetylation for precise and timely regulation of minor ZGA in early mammalian embryos.. 8. 2022
- SFRP4+ stromal cell subpopulation with IGF1 signaling in human endometrial regeneration.. 8. 2022
- abLIM1 constructs non-erythroid cortical actin networks to prevent mechanical tension-induced blebbing.. 4. 2018
- Intronic cleavage and polyadenylation regulates gene expression during DNA damage response through U1 snRNA.. 2. 2016
- Enhancement of the in vivo persistence and antitumor efficacy of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells through the delivery of modified TERT mRNA.. 1. 2015
- Excess folic acid intake increases DNA de novo point mutations. 2023