publication venue for
- Corrigendum: PlexinD1 signaling controls domain-specific dendritic development in newborn neurons in the postnatal olfactory bulb. 2023
- Corrigendum: Age-dependent microstructure alterations in 5xFAD mice by high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging. 2022
- Sustained corneal nerve loss predicts the development of diabetic neuropathy in type 2 diabetes.. 18. 2024
- Exploring the brain epitranscriptome: perspectives from the NSAS summit.. 17. 2023
- Isolation of the murine Glut1 deficient thalamocortical circuit: wavelet characterization and reverse glucose dependence of low and gamma frequency oscillations.. 17. 2023
- Spectral quantitative and semi-quantitative EEG provide complementary information on the life-long effects of early childhood malnutrition on cognitive decline.. 17. 2023
- Chronic unpredictable mild stress alters odor hedonics and adult olfactory neurogenesis in mice.. 17. 2023
- PlexinD1 signaling controls domain-specific dendritic development in newborn neurons in the postnatal olfactory bulb.. 17. 2023
- Quantitative susceptibility mapping using multi-channel convolutional neural networks with dipole-adaptive multi-frequency inputs.. 17. 2023
- Impact of early brain lesions on the optic radiations in children with cerebral palsy.. 16. 2022
- Age-dependent microstructure alterations in 5xFAD mice by high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging.. 16. 2022
- Dynamic Functional Connectivity Better Predicts Disability Than Structural and Static Functional Connectivity in People With Multiple Sclerosis.. 15. 2022
- Automated Segmentation of Midbrain Structures in High-Resolution Susceptibility Maps Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning.. 16. 2022
- The Effect of Abnormal Regional Homogeneity and Spontaneous Low-Frequency Brain Activity on Lower Cognitive Ability: A Cross-Sectional Study on Postoperative Children With Tetralogy of Fallot.. 15. 2022
- Robust, Primitive, and Unsupervised Quality Estimation for Segmentation Ensembles.. 15. 2021
- Application of Cluster Analysis of Time Evolution for Magnetic Resonance Imaging -Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping: A Promising Strategy for the Genetic Profile Prediction and Grading of Glioma.. 15. 2021
- The Spatiotemporal Evolution of MRI-Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Perfusion in Ischemic Stroke.. 15. 2021
- Mesoscopic Mapping of Ictal Neurovascular Coupling in Awake Behaving Mice Using Optical Spectroscopy and Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators.. 15. 2021
- Association of Cerebral Ischemia With Corneal Nerve Loss and Brain Atrophy in MCI and Dementia.. 15. 2021
- Increased Brain Iron Detection by Voxel-Based Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients With an Executive Function Decline.. 14. 2021
- Molecular Imaging of Striatal Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss and the Neurovascular Unit in Parkinson Disease.. 14. 2020
- Initial Experience of Challenge-Free MRI-Based Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping of Ischemic Stroke at Various Stages: Comparison With Perfusion and Diffusion Mapping.. 14. 2020
- Imagined Examples of Painful Experiences Provided by Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Attributed a Pain Numerical Rating Score.. 13. 2020
- Subcortical Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation (iTBS) Increases Theta-Power in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC).. 14. 2020
- Phospho-S129 Alpha-Synuclein Is Present in Human Plasma but Not in Cerebrospinal Fluid as Determined by an Ultrasensitive Immunoassay.. 13. 2019
- The Benefit of Slice Timing Correction in Common fMRI Preprocessing Pipelines.. 13. 2019
- Paired Associative Stimulation as a Tool to Assess Plasticity Enhancers in Chronic Stroke.. 13. 2019
- Delayed Effects of Acute Reperfusion on Vascular Remodeling and Late-Phase Functional Recovery After Stroke.. 13. 2019
- Progression and Pathology of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy From Repeated Primary Blast Exposure.. 13. 2019
- Neural Underpinnings of Financial Decision Bias in Older Adults: Putative Theoretical Models and a Way to Reconcile Them.. 13. 2019
- Fourier-Transform Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy and Laser Ablation -ICPMS New Vistas for Biochemical Analyses of Ischemic Stroke in Rat Brain.. 12. 2018
- Evolving Applications, Technological Challenges and Future Opportunities in Neuromodulation: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank.. 11. 2018
- Toward a Cognitive Neural Prosthesis Using Focused Ultrasound.. 11. 2017
- MRI Analysis of White Matter Myelin Water Content in Multiple Sclerosis: A Novel Approach Applied to Finding Correlates of Cortical Thinning.. 11. 2017
- A User-Configurable Headstage for Multimodality Neuromonitoring in Freely Moving Rats.. 10. 2016
- Parcellation of the Healthy Neonatal Brain into 107 Regions Using Atlas Propagation through Intermediate Time Points in Childhood.. 10. 2016
- The International Deep Brain Stimulation Registry and Database for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: How Does It Work?. 10. 2016
- Design and Optimization of an EEG-Based Brain Machine Interface (BMI) to an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton for Stroke Survivors.. 10. 2016
- Optical triggered seizures using a caged 4-Aminopyridine.. 9. 2015
- Faster and improved 3-D head digitization in MEG using Kinect.. 8. 2014
- An approach to identify microRNAs involved in neuropathic pain following a peripheral nerve injury.. 8. 2014
- Missing data estimation in fMRI dynamic causal modeling.. 8. 2014
- Therapeutic intraspinal stimulation to generate activity and promote long-term recovery.. 8. 2014
- Enhancement stimulants: perceived motivational and cognitive advantages.. 7. 2013
- Single-trial classification of gait and point movement preparation from human EEG.. 7. 2013
- Approaches to manipulating microRNAs in neurogenesis.. 6. 2013
- Evidence for transcriptional factor dysregulation in the dorsal raphe nucleus of patients with major depressive disorder.. 6. 2012
- A Role for the Cannabinoid 1 Receptor in Neuronal Differentiation of Adult Spinal Cord Progenitors in vitro is Revealed through Pharmacological Inhibition and Genetic Deletion.. 6. 2012
- The cellular mechanisms associated with the anesthetic and neuroprotective properties of xenon: a systematic review of the preclinical literature.. 17. 2023
- Editorial: Advances in brain functional and structural networks modeling via graph theory.. 16. 2022
- Prenatal Drugs and Their Effects on the Developing Brain: Insights From Three-Dimensional Human Organoids. 2022
- Decision Making as a Learned Skill in Mice and Humans. 2022
- Sensory Circuit Remodeling and Movement Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury. 2021
- Proceedings of the Third Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies. 2016
- Immune mechanisms in cerebral ischemic tolerance. 2014