publication venue for
- Better type 2 diabetes self-management using paired testing and remote monitoring. 2015
- Prediabetes: What Nurses Need to Know.. 116. 2016
- Blood Glucose Meters in ICUs.. 116. 2016
- The state of the science in the prevention and management of osteoarthritis.. 112. 2012
- The state of the science in the prevention and management of osteoarthritis.. 112. 2012
- Diagnosing diabetes.. 109. 2009
- Giving the fingers a rest: alternative site testing eases blood glucose monitoring.. 103. 2003
- Managment of the patient with an infected total hip arthroplasty.. 76. 1976
- Does tight glycemic control increase the risk of death?. 108. 2008
- Executive summary: the state of the science on nursing best practices for diabetes self-management. 2007
- Diabetes care: the need for change. 2007