publication venue for
- Acute Extrinsic Activation of the RANKL Pathway Decreases Wound Healing and Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. 2025
- Novel method of isolating nuclei of human oligodendrocyte precursor cells reveals substantial developmental changes in gene expression and H3K27ac histone modification.. 72. 2023
- Cortical stimulation leads to shortened myelin sheaths and increased axonal branching in spared axons after cervical spinal cord injury.. 71. 2023
- Targeting TNFα produced by astrocytes expressing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-linked mutant fused in sarcoma prevents neurodegeneration and motor dysfunction in mice. 2022
- The serotonin 2B receptor is required in neonatal microglia to limit neuroinflammation and sickness behavior in adulthood.. 69. 2020
- Astroglia contribute to the pathogenesis of spinocerebellar ataxia Type 1 (SCA1) in a biphasic, stage-of-disease specific manner.. 66. 2018
- miR147b: A novel key regulator of interleukin 1 beta-mediated inflammation in human astrocytes.. 66. 2018
- Astrocytes expressing ALS-linked mutant FUS induce motor neuron death through release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha.. 66. 2018
- Genetic driver mutations define the expression signature and microenvironmental composition of high-grade gliomas.. 65. 2017
- Astrocytes drive upregulation of the multidrug resistance transporter ABCB1 (P-Glycoprotein) in endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier in mutant superoxide dismutase 1-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. 64. 2016
- The inhibitory input to mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells is reciprocally modulated by Bergmann glial P2Y1 and AMPA receptor signaling.. 64. 2016
- Extracellular mutant SOD1 induces microglial-mediated motoneuron injury.. 58. 2010
- Preferential transport and metabolism of glucose in Bergmann glia over Purkinje cells: a multiphoton study of cerebellar slices.. 57. 2009
- Quantitative analysis of mitotic Olig2 cells in adult human brain and gliomas: implications for glioma histogenesis and biology.. 57. 2009
- Statin treatment of adult human glial progenitors induces PPAR gamma-mediated oligodendrocytic differentiation.. 56. 2008
- Steroid hormone receptor expression and function in microglia.. 56. 2008
- Reactive nonproliferative gliosis predominates in a chronic mouse model of glaucoma.. 55. 2007
- Cellular mitochondrial heterogeneity in cultured astrocytes as demonstrated by immunogold labeling of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.. 53. 2006
- TrkA immunoreactive astrocytes in dendritic fields of the hippocampal formation across estrous.. 38. 2002
- Repression of proinflammatory cytokine and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) gene expression in activated microglia by N-acetyl-O-methyldopamine: protein kinase A-dependent mechanism.. 33. 2001
- Angiostatic role of astrocytes: suppression of vascular endothelial cell growth by TGF-beta and other inhibitory factor(s).. 15. 1995
- Astrocytes modulate retinal vasculogenesis: effects on endothelial cell differentiation.. 15. 1995
- Regulation of plasminogen activators and type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor by cyclic AMP and phorbol ester in rat astrocytes.. 6. 1992
- Phosphorylation of myelin basic protein in intact oligodendrocytes: inhibition by galactosylsphingosine and cyclic AMP.. 2. 1989
- Active role of glia-like supporting cells in the organ of Corti: Membrane proteins and their roles in hearing. 2022
- Astrocyte glycogen and lactate: New insights into learning and memory mechanisms. 2017
- Critical data-based re-evaluation of minocycline as a putative specific microglia inhibitor. 2016
- Targeting microglia for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. 2016