publication venue for
- Reconstruction of a skull base defect after endoscopic endonasal resection of a pituitary adenoma: Sphenoid mucosal flaps. 2017
- Predictors of response to sialendoscopy for patients with chronic non-obstructive Sialadenitis versus radioiodine induced Sialadenitis. 2024
- Depth of invasion as an independent prognostic factor in early-stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.. 45. 2024
- Augmented otorhinologic evaluation in telemedical visits.. 45. 2023
- Impact of great auricular nerve sacrifice on sensory disturbance after parotidectomy.. 43. 2022
- Telemedicine lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic: The augmented outpatient otolaryngology teleconsultation.. 42. 2021
- Opioid prescribing patterns and usage after rhinologic surgery: A systematic review.. 41. 2020
- Social determinants of health and survivorship in parotid cancer: An analysis of the National Cancer Database.. 41. 2019
- The role of doxycycline in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.. 40. 2019
- The clinical value of a thorough diagnostic evaluation for neurotologic complaints.. 40. 2018
- Improvement of sinonasal mucociliary function by endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.. 39. 2018
- Does long-term success from endoscopic DCR correlate with early post-operative reduction in tearing?. 39. 2018
- The financial impact of clinic no-show rates in an academic pediatric otolaryngology practice.. 38. 2016
- Quality of neck dissection operative reports.. 37. 2016
- Hearing loss patterns after cochlear implantation via the round window in an animal model.. 37. 2015
- Hodgkin's disease of the head and neck in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients.. 23. 2002
- Grafting of the peritonsillar fossa with an acellular dermal graft to reduce posttonsillectomy pain.. 22. 2001
- Advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma treated with surgery and radiotherapy: oncologic outcome and functional assessment.. 22. 2001
- Outcome differences in younger and older patients with laryngeal cancer: a retrospective case-control study.. 21. 2000
- Concurrent chemotherapy and "concomitant boost" radiotherapy for unresectable head and neck cancer.. 21. 2000
- Head and neck manifestations of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients.. 21. 2000
- The role of endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.. 19. 1998
- Parathyroid preservation during thyroid surgery.. 19. 1998
- Outgrowing schwannomas arising from tympanic segments of the facial nerve.. 17. 1996
- Commentary on the manuscript "Telemedicine for otolaryngological assessments". 2021
- Systematic and other reviews: Criteria and complexities.. 42. 2021
- Consortium of Otolaryngology Journal Editors: Collegiality and contributions.. 41. 2020
- The value of resident presentations at scientific meetings.. 34. 2012
- The head and neck surgeon as oncologist.. 27. 2006
- Substernal goiter: a clinical review. 1994
- Benign bony tumors of the paranasal sinuses, orbit, and skull base. 2022
- Adhesives in otology and neurotology. 1997
- Acute facial paralysis: evaluation and early management. 1994