publication venue for
- An Evaluation of STFM's Academic Family Medicine Antiracism Learning Collaborative.. 57. 2025
- Enhancing Medical Student-Interpreter Collaboration in an Urban Free Clinic.. 51. 2019
- Finding the Words: Medical Students' Reflections on Communication Challenges in Clinic.. 48. 2016
- Risk factors for unexplained medication discrepancies during transitions in care.. 46. 2014
- Effect of a web-based curriculum on primary care practice: basic skin cancer triage trial.. 45. 2013
- Information primary care physicians want to receive about their hospitalized patients.. 44. 2012
- A comparison of sodium phosphosoda purgative to polyethylene glycol bowel preparations prior to colonoscopy.. 41. 2009
- Use of antibiotics for adult upper respiratory infections in outpatient settings: a national ambulatory network study.. 38. 2006
- Medical students' ability to care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered patients.. 38. 2006
- Communication skills in a Lebanese medical school: from movie theaters to medical classrooms.. 37. 2005
- Letter to the Editor in Response to "Residents' Perspectives on Careers in Academic Medicine: Obstacles and Opportunities".. 50. 2018