publication venue for
- Electrical rejuvenation of chronically implanted macroelectrodes in nonhuman primates. 2024
- Optogenetic spinal stimulation promotes new axonal growth and skilled forelimb recovery in rats with sub-chronic cervical spinal cord injury.. 20. 2023
- Patient specific intracranial neural signatures of obsessions and compulsions in the ventral striatum.. 20. 2023
- Effects of transcutaneous spinal stimulation on spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns: a proof-of-concept EEG study.. 19. 2022
- Predicting task performance from biomarkers of mental fatigue in global brain activity.. 18. 2021
- Chronic softening spinal cord stimulation arrays.. 15. 2018
- Multivariate regression methods for estimating velocity of ictal discharges from human microelectrode recordings.. 14. 2017
- Evaluation of microelectrode materials for direct-current electrocorticography.. 13. 2015
- A mathematical model relating cortical oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin flows and volumes to neural activity.. 12. 2015
- Therapeutic intraspinal microstimulation improves forelimb function after cervical contusion injury.. 10. 2013
- Functional localization and visualization of the subthalamic nucleus from microelectrode recordings acquired during DBS surgery with unsupervised machine learning.. 6. 2009
- Deep brain stimulation, deontology and duty: the moral obligation of non-abandonment at the neural interface.. 6. 2009