publication venue for
- Prevalence and spectrum of manifestations of tamoxifen retinopathy as assessed by multimodal and ultra-widefield retinal imaging. 2024
- Analysis of new attachment site in medial rectus resection with advancement using anterior segment optical coherence tomography.. 54. 2019
- Aflibercept for pigment epithelial detachment for previously treated neovascular age-related macular degeneration.. 50. 2015
- Evaluation and neuroimaging of the Horner syndrome.. 50. 2015
- Fundus image diagnostic agreement in uveitis utilizing free and open source software.. 48. 2013
- Intravenous immunoglobulin in recurrent-relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy.. 45. 2010
- Diagnostic yield of the evaluation of isolated third nerve palsy in adults.. 42. 2007
- Diagnostic yield for neuroimaging in patients with unilateral eye or facial pain.. 40. 2005
- Myasthenia gravis with ocular involvement in older patients.. 36. 2001
- Infectious keratitis as the presenting sign of giant cell arteritis.. 55. 2020
- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in chronic myelogenous leukemia.. 55. 2020
- Leber hereditary optic neuropathy: 41-year interval between fellow eye involvement.. 55. 2019
- Rapid same-day resolution of internuclear ophthalmoplegia in Wernicke encephalopathy following parenteral high dose thiamine.. 55. 2019
- Giant cell arteritis relapse presenting as idiopathic orbital inflammation.. 55. 2019
- Congenital respiratory-type ciliated cyst of the lacrimal sac.. 55. 2019
- Primary central nervous system lymphoma of the optic chiasm.. 54. 2018
- Idiopathic intracranial hypertension in a transgender female.. 54. 2018
- Vestibulocochlear symptoms as the initial presentation of giant cell arteritis.. 54. 2018
- Late proptosis and ophthalmoplegia from hydrogel scleral buckle.. 53. 2018
- Bilateral disc edema in hypertensive emergency.. 53. 2017
- Nine syndrome in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.. 53. 2017
- Orbital metastasis mimicking internuclear ophthalmoplegia: A case report and review.. 52. 2017
- Bilateral posterior ischemic optic neuropathy associated with the use of Sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension.. 51. 2016
- Neuro-ophthalmic presentations of clival plasmacytoma.. 51. 2016
- Bilateral optic atrophy in endemic typhus.. 49. 2014
- Temporal artery enhancement on cranial magnetic resonance imaging.. 49. 2014
- Diffusion-weighted imaging in posterior ischemic optic neuropathy.. 49. 2014
- Maintenance of pupillary response in a glaucoma patient with no light perception due to persistence of melanopsin ganglion cells.. 49. 2014
- Atonic pupils secondary to presumed systemic vasopressor-related ischemia.. 48. 2013
- Paraneoplastic optic neuropathy and retinopathy associated with colon adenocarcinoma.. 48. 2013
- Pallid disc edema and choroidal perfusion delay in posthemodialysis nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy.. 48. 2013
- Radiographic evidence for denervation atrophy of extraocular muscles due to chronic intracavernous compressive third nerve palsy.. 48. 2013
- Intracranial complications of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.. 47. 2012
- Visual hallucinations (Charles Bonnet syndrome) as the presenting sign of pituitary adenoma.. 47. 2012
- Orbital fibrosis syndrome associated with combined retinal hamartoma. 2011
- Hand washing in ophthalmology.. 42. 2007