publication venue for
- Correction: The mechanism of sirtuin 2-mediated exacerbation of alpha-synuclein toxicity in models of Parkinson disease. 2017
- Mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis have retained ancestrally acquired genes for the biosynthesis of chemically diverse terpene nucleosides.. 22. 2024
- Virome Data Explorer: A web resource to longitudinally explore respiratory viral infections, their interactions with other pathogens and host transcriptomic changes in over 100 people.. 22. 2024
- A guide to the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network data ecosystem.. 21. 2023
- The RNA export and RNA decay complexes THO and TRAMP prevent transcription-replication conflicts, DNA breaks, and CAG repeat contractions.. 20. 2022
- Early enforcement of cell identity by a functional component of the terminally differentiated state.. 20. 2022
- Cbln1 regulates axon growth and guidance in multiple neural regions.. 20. 2022
- Alternative splicing of METTL3 explains apparently METTL3-independent m6A modifications in mRNA.. 20. 2022
- Systematically assessing microbiome-disease associations identifies drivers of inconsistency in metagenomic research.. 20. 2022
- Leveraging vibration of effects analysis for robust discovery in observational biomedical data science.. 19. 2021
- BDNF produced by cerebral microglia promotes cortical plasticity and pain hypersensitivity after peripheral nerve injury.. 19. 2021
- Multiplex qPCR discriminates variants of concern to enhance global surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.. 19. 2021
- Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1 and Aurora Kinase choreograph mitotic storage and redistribution of a growth factor receptor.. 19. 2021
- Membrane progesterone receptor induces meiosis in Xenopus oocytes through endocytosis into signaling endosomes and interaction with APPL1 and Akt2.. 18. 2020
- Bidirectional cingulate-dependent danger information transfer across rats.. 17. 2019
- Rapid antigen diversification through mitotic recombination in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.. 17. 2019
- Fast near-whole-brain imaging in adult Drosophila during responses to stimuli and behavior.. 17. 2019
- Proximal recolonization by self-renewing microglia re-establishes microglial homeostasis in the adult mouse brain.. 17. 2019
- Endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact sites integrate sterol and phospholipid regulation.. 16. 2018
- Olig2 and Hes regulatory dynamics during motor neuron differentiation revealed by single cell transcriptomics.. 16. 2018
- The mechanism of sirtuin 2-mediated exacerbation of alpha-synuclein toxicity in models of Parkinson disease.. 15. 2017
- Synaptotagmin-1 and -7 Are Redundantly Essential for Maintaining the Capacity of the Readily-Releasable Pool of Synaptic Vesicles.. 13. 2015
- The polarity protein Scribble regulates myelination and remyelination in the central nervous system.. 13. 2015
- Structure of a membrane-embedded prenyltransferase homologous to UBIAD1.. 12. 2014
- Mapping differentiation under mixed culture conditions reveals a tunable continuum of T cell fates.. 11. 2013
- Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM regulates epithelial apicobasal polarization and may influence risk of breast cancer.. 9. 2011
- A yeast model of FUS/TLS-dependent cytotoxicity.. 9. 2011
- A user's guide to the encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE).. 9. 2011
- Multi-platform next-generation sequencing of the domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): genome assembly and analysis.. 8. 2010
- Regulated RalBP1 binding to RalA and PSD-95 controls AMPA receptor endocytosis and LTD.. 7. 2009
- Assessing tumor progression factors by somatic gene transfer into a mouse model: Bcl-xL promotes islet tumor cell invasion.. 5. 2007
- The p75 neurotrophin receptor is a central regulator of glioma invasion.. 5. 2007
- Unmasking activation of the zygotic genome using chromosomal deletions in the Drosophila embryo.. 5. 2007
- Testing electrostatic complementarity in enzyme catalysis: hydrogen bonding in the ketosteroid isomerase oxyanion hole.. 4. 2006
- Two-photon imaging of cortical surface microvessels reveals a robust redistribution in blood flow after vascular occlusion.. 4. 2006
- Role of Saccharomyces single-stranded DNA-binding protein RPA in the strand invasion step of double-strand break repair.. 2. 2004
- Pten dose dictates cancer progression in the prostate.. 1. 2003
- Ribosomal S6 kinases determine intrinsic axonal regeneration capacity. 2023
- Progress toward public access to science.. 6. 2008