publication venue for
- Green Toenail Discoloration due to Tracer Dye. 2023
- Inflamed Actinic Keratoses After Pemetrexed. 2016
- Accessory Tragus Resembling a Hair Follicle Nevus.. 21. 2023
- Dermatoscopy of Onychomatricoma: Tortuous Hairpin Vessels.. 20. 2022
- Can Nonsterile Gloves for Dermatologic Procedures Be Cost-Effective without Compromising Infection Rates?. 17. 2019
- Electroporation as a New Treatment Modality for Melanoma and Other Cancers: The "Guilty Bystander" Hypothesis.. 13. 2015
- Patch testing: a retrospective analysis of 103 patients with emphasis on practical aspects for the clinician.. 4. 2005