publication venue for
- Costs of opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution in New York City. 2021
- Evaluating spin in the abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on cannabis use disorder. 2021
- Evaluation of spin in the abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies on opioid use disorder. 2021
- Gender differences in association of prescription opioid use and mortality: A propensity-matched analysis from the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) prospective cohort.. 42. 2019
- Implementation of a nationwide health economic consultation service to assist substance use researchers: Lessons learned.. 39. 2018
- A patient navigation intervention for drug-involved former prison inmates.. 36. 2014
- Stigmatization of substance use disorders among internal medicine residents.. 34. 2013
- Teaching and assessing residents' skills in managing heroin addiction with objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs).. 34. 2013
- Evaluation of a substance use disorder curriculum for internal medicine residents.. 32. 2011
- Racial/ethnic differences in the protective effects of self-management skills on adolescent substance use.. 27. 2006
- Are commonly ordered lab tests useful screens for alcohol disorders in older male veterans receiving primary care?.. 26. 2005