publication venue for
- Associations of perceived risk and cancer worry for colorectal cancer with screening behaviour.. 23. 2016
- Tanning and beauty: Mother and teenage daughters in discussion.. 21. 2014
- Contextually appropriate emotional word use predicts adaptive health behavior: Emotion context sensitivity and treatment adherence.. 21. 2014
- Mood symptoms and personality dimensions as determinants of health-related quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease.. 18. 2013
- Pathways to postoperative hostility in cardiac patients: mediation of coping, spiritual struggle and interleukin-6.. 15. 2010
- Cancer survivors' health worries and associations with lifestyle practices.. 13. 2008
- Religious coping among caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients: main effects and psychosocial mediators.. 11. 2006
- Translating exercise intentions into behavior: personality and social cognitive correlates.. 8. 2003
- Conceptualizing prognostic awareness in advanced cancer: a systematic review. 2013