publication venue for
- Scaling Interventions to Manage Chronic Disease: Innovative Methods at the Intersection of Health Policy Research and Implementation Science. 2022
- Differential Impact of a Universal Prevention Program on Academic Self-Efficacy: the Moderating Role of Baseline Self-Control.. 23. 2021
- "People Don't Just Start Shooting Heroin on Their 18th Birthday": A Qualitative Study of Community Stakeholders' Perspectives on Adolescent Opioid Use and Opportunities for Intervention in Baltimore, Maryland.. 22. 2021
- Preventing Adolescent Substance Use Through an Evidence-Based Program: Effects of the Italian Adaptation of Life Skills Training.. 18. 2017
- Preventing youth violence and delinquency through a universal school-based prevention approach.. 7. 2006
- Do competence skills moderate the impact of social influences to drink and perceived social benefits of drinking on alcohol use among inner-city adolescents?. 8. 2006
- Effects of a school-based drug abuse prevention program for adolescents on HIV risk behavior in young adulthood.. 7. 2006
- Long-term follow-up effects of a school-based drug abuse prevention program on adolescent risky driving.. 5. 2004
- Positive impact of competence skills and psychological wellness in protecting inner-city adolescents from alcohol use.. 3. 2002
- Personal competence skills, distress, and well-being as determinants of substance use in a predominantly minority urban adolescent sample.. 3. 2002
- Risk taking and refusal assertiveness in a longitudinal model of alcohol use among inner-city adolescents.. 2. 2001
- Preventive intervention effects on developmental progression in drug use: structural equation modeling analyses using longitudinal data.. 2. 2001
- Drug abuse prevention among minority adolescents: posttest and one-year follow-up of a school-based preventive intervention.. 2. 2001
- Ethnic and gender differences in psychosocial risk, protection, and adolescent alcohol use.. 1. 2000
- Toward the development of preventive interventions to reduce HRSB, HIV/AIDS, and multiple problem behaviors.. 15 Suppl 1. 2014