publication venue for
- [Study of relationship between (Ca+Zn)/P of pure titanium surface coating and biological activity of osteoblasts].. 24. 2015
- [Study of relationship between different contents of zinc and antibacterial activity on calcium phosphate coating modified by plasma electrolytic oxidation method].. 23. 2014
- [A clinical retrospective analysis of dental implants replaced in previously failed sites].. 23. 2014
- [An assessment of different crown-to-implant ratio for implant teeth in the posterior region over 5 years].. 22. 2013
- [The antibacterial properties of Ca and Zn-containing coatings prepared with micro-arc oxidation].. 21. 2012
- [Effect of HA/TiO2 coating titanium surface on the growth of MG63].. 18. 2009
- [Microcosmic analysis of TCP/HA coating with micro-pores on titanium by IBAD method.].. 13. 2004