publication venue for
- En Errata. 2019
- Neurolytic transversus abdominal plane block with alcohol for long-term malignancy related pain control. 2014
- Dexamethasone Effectively Reduces the Incidence of Post-neurotomy Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.. 24. 2021
- Viable Disc Tissue Allograft Supplementation; One- and Two-level Treatment of Degenerated Intervertebral Discs in Patients with Chronic Discogenic Low Back Pain: One Year Results of the VAST Randomized Controlled Trial.. 24. 2021
- Telemedicine During COVID-19 and Beyond: A Practical Guide and Best Practices Multidisciplinary Approach for the Orthopedic and Neurologic Pain Physical Examination.. 23. 2020
- Appropriate Management of Vertebral Fragility Fractures: Development of a Pathway Based on a Vertebral Compression Fracture Registry.. 23. 2020
- Radiation Dose Practice Audit of 6,234 Fluoroscopically-Guided Spinal Injections.. 22. 2019
- The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Fluoroscopy Time During Intraarticular Hip Injection: A Multicenter Cohort Study.. 20. 2017
- Pulsed radiofrequency of the dorsal root ganglia is superior to pharmacotherapy or pulsed radiofrequency of the intercostal nerves in the treatment of chronic postsurgical thoracic pain.. 9. 2006
- Segmental anomaly leading to wrong level disc surgery in cauda equina syndrome.. 7. 2004
- Intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET) for treatment of chronic lumbar discogenic pain: a minimum 2-year clinical outcome study.. 6. 2003
- Quantitative electromyography analysis of disc unloader brace.. 6. 2003
- Role of radiofrequency denervation in lumbar zygapophyseal joint synovitis in baseball pitchers: a clinical experience.. 6. 2003
- Catheter-based Techniques for Terminal Cancer Pain: A Review of Nonneuraxial Interventions with Clinical Implications for End-of-Life Pain Management. 2021