publication venue for
- Anatomical determinants of occipitocervical fusion in skull base chordoma resection: a systematic review of the literature with illustrative cases. 2024
- Improvement following minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in patients aged 70 years or older compared with younger age groups. 2023
- Fifteen years and beyond: wins and challenges of the Tanzania Neurosurgery Project.. 58. 2025
- Patients with traumatic spinal injuries treated in a low- and middle-income country: what happens after discharge?. 58. 2025
- Introduction. Robotics in the neurosurgical operating room.. 57. 2024
- Revision Chiari surgery in adults: surgical evaluation algorithm and outcomes in a continuity-of-care practice.. 57. 2024
- A quantitative comparative surgical analysis of the endoscopic transorbital approach and frontotemporal-orbitozygomatic approach for extradural exposure of the cavernous sinus.. 56. 2024
- Greater improvement in Neck Disability Index scores in women after surgery for cervical myelopathy: an analysis of the Quality Outcomes Database.. 55. 2023
- Three-level ACDF versus 3-level laminectomy and fusion: are there differences in outcomes? An analysis of the Quality Outcomes Database cervical spondylotic myelopathy cohort.. 55. 2023
- Developing nonlinear k-nearest neighbors classification algorithms to identify patients at high risk of increased length of hospital stay following spine surgery.. 54. 2023
- Which supervised machine learning algorithm can best predict achievement of minimum clinically important difference in neck pain after surgery in patients with cervical myelopathy? A QOD study.. 54. 2023
- Fourth ventricular subarachnoid stent for Chiari malformation type I-associated persistent syringomyelia.. 54. 2023
- Minimally invasive versus open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for grade I lumbar spondylolisthesis: 5-year follow-up from the prospective multicenter Quality Outcomes Database registry.. 54. 2023
- Feasibility of smart glasses in supporting spinal surgical procedures in low- and middle-income countries: experiences from East Africa.. 52. 2022
- CT-to-fluoroscopy registration versus scan-and-plan registration for robot-assisted insertion of lumbar pedicle screws.. 52. 2022
- Does robot-assisted navigation influence pedicle screw selection and accuracy in minimally invasive spine surgery?. 52. 2022
- Introduction. The neurosurgeon as roboticist.. 52. 2022
- Multilevel anterior cervical osteotomies with uncinatectomies to correct a fixed kyphotic deformity associated with ankylosing spondylitis: technical note and operative video.. 51. 2021
- Use of rhBMP-2 for adult spinal deformity surgery: patterns of usage and changes over the past decade.. 50. 2021
- Separation surgery for metastatic epidural spinal cord compression: comparison of a minimally invasive versus open approach.. 50. 2021
- Impact of health disparities on treatment for single-suture craniosynostosis in an era of multimodal care.. 50. 2021
- Incorporating genomic signatures into surgical and medical decision-making for elderly glioblastoma patients.. 49. 2020
- Does interbody cage lordosis impact actual segmental lordosis achieved in minimally invasive lumbar spine fusion?. 49. 2020
- Prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia diagnosed using quantitative CT in 296 consecutive lumbar fusion patients.. 49. 2020
- Correlation of return to work with patient satisfaction after surgery for lumbar spondylolisthesis: an analysis of the Quality Outcomes Database.. 48. 2020
- Quality Outcomes Database Spine Care Project 2012-2020: milestones achieved in a collaborative North American outcomes registry to advance value-based spine care and evolution to the American Spine Registry.. 48. 2020
- Robot-assisted stereoelectroencephalography exploration of the limbic thalamus in human focal epilepsy: implantation technique and complications in the first 24 patients.. 48. 2020
- Use of the train-of-five bipolar technique to provide reliable, spatially accurate motor cortex identification in asleep patients.. 48. 2020
- Deformational changes after convection-enhanced delivery in the pediatric brainstem.. 48. 2020
- Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging perfusion characteristics in meningiomas treated with resection and adjuvant radiosurgery.. 46. 2019
- A comparison of minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and decompression alone for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis.. 46. 2019
- Predictive model for long-term patient satisfaction after surgery for grade I degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: insights from the Quality Outcomes Database.. 46. 2019
- An enhanced recovery after surgery pathway: association with rapid discharge and minimal complications after anterior cervical spine surgery.. 46. 2019
- Opioid-free anesthesia within an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for minimally invasive lumbar spine surgery: a retrospective matched cohort study.. 46. 2019
- Defining the minimum clinically important difference for grade I degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: insights from the Quality Outcomes Database.. 44. 2018
- Women fare best following surgery for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: a comparison of the most and least satisfied patients utilizing data from the Quality Outcomes Database.. 44. 2018
- Despite worse baseline status depressed patients achieved outcomes similar to those in nondepressed patients after surgery for cervical deformity.. 43. 2017
- Male sex may not be associated with worse outcomes in primary all-posterior adult spinal deformity surgery: a multicenter analysis.. 43. 2017
- Minimally invasive guidewireless, navigated pedicle screw placement: a technical report and case series.. 43. 2017
- Minimally invasive versus open fusion for Grade I degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: analysis of the Quality Outcomes Database.. 43. 2017
- Stereotactic navigation for the prepsoas oblique lateral lumbar interbody fusion: technical note and case series.. 43. 2017
- Peripheral nervous system injury after high-dose single-fraction image-guided stereotactic radiosurgery for spine tumors.. 42. 2017
- Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of osseous spine metastasis before and 1 hour after high-dose image-guided radiation therapy.. 42. 2017
- Frequency of symptomatic vertebral body compression fractures requiring intervention following single-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery for spinal metastases.. 42. 2017
- Pathological characteristics of spine metastases treated with high-dose single-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery.. 42. 2017
- Spinal stereotactic body radiotherapy following intralesional curettage with separation surgery for initial or salvage chordoma treatment.. 42. 2017
- The impact of histology and delivered dose on local control of spinal metastases treated with stereotactic radiosurgery.. 42. 2017
- Endoscopic endonasal versus open transcranial resection of craniopharyngiomas: a case-matched single-institution analysis.. 41. 2016
- 4.7-T diffusion tensor imaging of acute traumatic peripheral nerve injury.. 39. 2015
- The rhinopalatine line as a reliable predictor of the inferior extent of endonasal odontoidectomies.. 38. 2015
- Effects of convection-enhanced delivery of bevacizumab on survival of glioma-bearing animals.. 38. 2015
- Quinoline-based antimalarial drugs: a novel class of autophagy inhibitors.. 38. 2015
- Chloroquine enhances temozolomide cytotoxicity in malignant gliomas by blocking autophagy.. 37. 2014
- Complications in adult spinal deformity surgery: an analysis of minimally invasive, hybrid, and open surgical techniques.. 36. 2014
- Less invasive surgery for treating adult spinal deformities: ceiling effects for deformity correction with 3 different techniques.. 36. 2014
- The minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery algorithm: a reproducible rational framework for decision making in minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery.. 36. 2014
- Endoscopic endonasal resection of skull base meningiomas: the significance of a "cortical cuff" and brain edema compared with careful case selection and surgical experience in predicting morbidity and extent of resection.. 37. 2014
- Surgical management of trigeminal schwannomas: defining the role for endoscopic endonasal approaches.. 37. 2014
- Decompressive hemicraniectomy without clot evacuation in dominant-sided intracerebral hemorrhage with ICP crisis.. 34. 2013
- Endoscopic resection of colloid cyst in normal-sized ventricular system.. 34. 2013
- Rotational angiography for diagnosis and surgical planning in the management of spinal vascular lesions.. 32. 2012
- Predictors of long-term shunt-dependent hydrocephalus in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage requiring emergency cerebrospinal fluid diversion.. 32. 2012
- Discovery of asymptomatic moyamoya arteriopathy in pediatric syndromic populations: radiographic and clinical progression.. 31. 2011
- Accuracy of the freehand technique for 3 fixation methods in the C-2 vertebrae.. 31. 2011
- Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery for functional pituitary adenomas.. 30. 2011
- Pineal region tumors: an optimal approach for simultaneous endoscopic third ventriculostomy and biopsy.. 30. 2011
- Patterns of extrasellar extension in growth hormone-secreting and nonfunctional pituitary macroadenomas.. 29. 2010
- Best surgical practices: a stepwise approach to the University of Pennsylvania deep brain stimulation protocol.. 29. 2010
- Comparison of endoscopic and microscopic removal of pituitary adenomas: single-surgeon experience and the learning curve.. 25. 2008
- Long-term outcome of superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery bypass for patients with moyamoya disease in the US.. 24. 2008
- New strategy for the analysis of phenotypic marker antigens in brain tumor-derived neurospheres in mice and humans.. 24. 2008
- Operative results and learning curve: microscope-assisted tubular microsurgery for 1- and 2-level discectomies and laminectomies.. 25. 2008
- Postoperative Gamma Knife surgery for benign meningiomas of the cranial base.. 23. 2007
- Endoscopic management of intracranial cysts.. 19. 2005
- Hemorrhagic sequelae from intracranial neuroendoscopic procedures for intraventricular tumors.. 19. 2005
- Endoscopic management of pediatric brain tumors.. 18. 2005
- Endovascular procedures for treating wide-necked aneurysms.. 18. 2005
- Early findings in a pilot study of anterior cervical fusion in which bioabsorbable interbody spacers were used in the treatment of cervical degenerative disease.. 16. 2004
- Comparison of conscious sedation and general anesthesia for motor mapping and resection of tumors located near motor cortex.. 15. 2003
- Identifying patients at risk for postprocedural morbidity after treatment of incidental intracranial aneurysms: the role of aneurysm size and location.. 13. 2002
- Transpedicular approach for thoracic disc herniations.. 9. 2000
- Efficacy of bilateral pallidotomy.. 2. 1997
- Introduction. Transitional care in neurosurgery.. 57. 2024
- Introduction. Evolving perspectives on the intersection between neurosurgery and neurocutaneous disorders.. 52. 2022
- Challenges and opportunities in neurosurgical care transition.. 57. 2024
- Editorial. Nuances of restoration of lumbar lordosis using an MIS anterior column release versus posterior 3-column osteotomy.. 43. 2017
- Surgical management of global sagittal deformity in ankylosing spondylitis. 2008
- Neuroophthalmological management of optic pathway gliomas. 2007
- Malignant tumors of the skull base. 2002
- Grading and surgical planning for intracranial arteriovenous malformations. 2001
- Assessing the state of LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion in neurosurgery. 2023
- Existing clinical evidence on the use of cellular bone matrix grafts in spinal fusion: updated systematic review of the literature. 2021
- The axial transsacral approach to interbody fusion at L5-S1. 2014
- Alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists in intracerebral hemorrhage: an evaluation of the current evidence for a novel therapeutic agent. 2013
- Traumatic brain injury in pediatric patients: evidence for the effectiveness of decompressive surgery. 2011
- Improving patient selection for endovascular treatment of acute cerebral ischemia: a review of the literature and an external validation of the Houston IAT and THRIVE predictive scoring systems. 2011
- Stem cell-mediated regeneration of the intervertebral disc: cellular and molecular challenge. 2008
- Pathogenesis, presentation, and treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis associated with coronal or sagittal spinal deformities. 2003