publication venue for
- Snapchat Story-I Need a Heart Transplant: Benefits of Social Media Use in Serious Illness. 2023
- Insufficient Sleep is Associated With Increasing Trends in Adolescent Suicidal Behaviors. 2024
- The Indirect Effect of Sleep on the Association Between Protracted Social Stressors and Psychological Distress Among Hong Kong Young People. 2023
- Patterns of Co-occurring Modes of Marijuana Use Among Colorado High School Students.. 64. 2019
- The Prospective Association Between Electronic Device Use Before Bedtime and Academic Attainment in Adolescents.. 63. 2018
- Teen Daughters and Their Mothers in Conversation: Identifying Opportunities for Enhancing Awareness of Risky Tanning Behaviors.. 58. 2016
- Do sexual risk behaviors differ between heterosexual youth infected with HIV perinatally versus sexually?. 53. 2013
- An evaluation of a positive youth development program for adolescents with chronic illness.. 52. 2012
- Optimism and the socioeconomic status gradient in adolescent adiposity.. 49. 2011
- Assessing youth risk behavior in a clinical trial setting: lessons from the infant health and development program.. 46. 2009
- Links between pubertal timing, peer influences, and externalizing behaviors among urban students followed through middle school.. 40. 2006
- Challenges of conducting a placebo-controlled trial for dysmenorrhea in adolescents.. 39. 2006
- Perceived smoking environment and smoking initiation among multi-ethnic urban girls.. 38. 2006
- It's not what you say, it's how many different ways you can say it: links between divergent peer resistance skills and delinquency a year later.. 35. 2004
- Low perceived chances for success in life and binge drinking among inner-city minority youth.. 34. 2004
- At what price? The current state of subject payment in adolescent research.. 33. 2003
- Health-risk behaviors and protective factors among adolescents with mobility impairments and learning and emotional disabilities.. 28. 2001
- Serotesting versus presumptive varicella vaccination of adolescents with a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox.. 28. 2001
- Long-term depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) use in inner-city adolescents.. 23. 1998
- The effects of peer ridicule on depression and self-image among adolescent females with Turner syndrome.. 19. 1996
- E-Cigarette Warning Labels to Prevent Adolescent Use: A Letter Response.. 58. 2016
- Early Bed for Early Birds: Curbing the Evening Calories.. 57. 2015
- A Practitioner's Guide to Electronic Cigarettes in the Adolescent Population. 2015
- Risk and developmental heterogeneity in previously institutionalized children. 2012