publication venue for
- A Clinical Decision Support System for Addressing Health-Related Social Needs in Emergency Department: Defining End User Needs and Preferences.. 15. 2024
- Increasing Completion of Daily Patient-Reported Outcomes in Psychotherapies for Late-Life Depression through User-Centered Design.. 15. 2024
- "It attracts your eyes and brain": Refining visualizations for shared decision-making with heart failure patients. 2024
- Sociodemographic Differences in Perspectives on Postpartum Symptom Reporting.. 15. 2024
- Manual evaluation of record linkage algorithm performance in four real-world datasets. 2024
- Improving Patient-Reported Outcomes in Stroke Care using Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring and Telehealth.. 14. 2023
- Shifting into Action: from Data Segmentation to Equitable Interoperability for Adolescents (and Everyone Else).. 14. 2023
- Adolescent Privacy and the Electronic Health Record - Sharing Clinical Notes While Protecting Adolescent Confidentiality and Maintaining Parental Insight. 2023
- Assessing Usability and Ambulatory Clinical Staff Satisfaction with Two Electronic Health Records. 2023
- Improving Cancer Care Communication: Identifying Sociodemographic Differences in Patient Portal Secure Messages Not Authored by the Patient.. 14. 2023
- Special Section on Patient Engagement in Informatics: A RE-AIM evaluation of a visualization-based electronic patient-reported outcomes system. 2023
- Quantifying Electronic Health Record Data Quality in Telehealth and Office-Based Diabetes Care.. 13. 2022
- Clinician Acceptance of Order Sets for Pain Management: A Survey in Two Urban Hospitals.. 13. 2022
- Clinician and Health Care Leaders' Experiences with-and Perceptions of-COVID-19 Documentation Reduction Policies and Practices.. 12. 2021
- Characterizing Multitasking and Workflow Fragmentation in Electronic Health Records among Emergency Department Clinicians: Using Time-Motion Data to Understand Documentation Burden.. 12. 2021
- MyEDCare: Evaluation of a Smartphone-Based Emergency Department Discharge Process.. 12. 2021
- Algorithmic Detection of Boolean Logic Errors in Clinical Decision Support Statements.. 12. 2021
- A Method to Improve Availability and Quality of Patient Race Data in an Electronic Health Record System.. 11. 2020
- Early Adopters of Patient-Generated Health Data Upload in an Electronic Patient Portal.. 10. 2019
- Technology Access, Technical Assistance, and Disparities in Inpatient Portal Use.. 10. 2019
- Identifying, Analyzing, and Visualizing Diagnostic Paths for Patients with Nonspecific Abdominal Pain.. 9. 2018
- Focus Section Health IT Usability: Applying a Task-Technology Fit Model to Adapt an Electronic Patient Portal for Patient Work.. 9. 2018
- Clinical Information Systems Integration in New York City's First Mobile Stroke Unit.. 9. 2018
- Health IT Usability Focus Section: Adapting EHR-Based Medication Instructions to Comply with Plain Language Guidance-A Randomized Experiment.. 8. 2017
- How Physician Perspectives on E-Prescribing Evolve over Time. A Case Study Following the Transition between EHRs in an Outpatient Clinic.. 7. 2016
- Practical considerations for implementing genomic information resources. Experiences from eMERGE and CSER.. 7. 2016
- Electronic Ordering System Improves Postoperative Pain Management After Total Knee or Hip Arthroplasty.. 6. 2015
- Association between electronic health records and health care utilization.. 6. 2015
- How could health information exchange better meet the needs of care practitioners?. 5. 2014
- A case report in health information exchange for inter-organizational patient transfers.. 5. 2014
- State funding for health information technology and selected ambulatory healthcare quality measures.. 5. 2014
- A distribution-based method for assessing the differences between clinical trial target populations and patient populations in electronic health records.. 5. 2014
- Developing clinical decision support within a commercial electronic health record system to improve antimicrobial prescribing in the neonatal ICU.. 5. 2014
- An electronic alert for HIV screening in the emergency department increases screening but not the diagnosis of HIV.. 5. 2014
- Association between use of a health information exchange system and hospital admissions.. 5. 2014
- Effects of automated immunization registry reporting via an electronic health record deployed in community practice settings.. 4. 2013
- Physician specialty and variations in adoption of electronic health records.. 4. 2013
- Predictors of success for electronic health record implementation in small physician practices.. 4. 2013
- Duplicate orders: an unintended consequence of computerized provider/physician order entry (CPOE) implementation: analysis and mitigation strategies.. 3. 2012
- Health information exchange and ambulatory quality of care.. 3. 2012
- Assessing Electronic Note Quality Using the Physician Documentation Quality Instrument (PDQI-9).. 3. 2012
- Response to medication dosing alerts for pediatric inpatients using a computerized provider order entry system.. 2. 2011
- The association between health information exchange and measures of patient satisfaction.. 2. 2011
- Awareness of the Care Team in Electronic Health Records.. 2. 2011
- Review of Reported Clinical Information System Adverse Events in US Food and Drug Administration Databases.. 2. 2011
- Evaluation of Computerized Free Text Sign-Out Notes: Baseline Understanding and Recommendations.. 1. 2010
- Death, taxes and advance directives.. 5. 2014
- The State-of-the-Art of Patient Portals: Adapting to External Factors, Addressing Barriers, and Innovating. 2023