publication venue for
- Painful diabetic neuropathy is associated with accelerated epigenetic aging. 2025
- Cystine rather than cysteine is the preferred substrate for β-elimination by cystathionine γ-lyase: implications for dietary methionine restriction. 2023
- The impacts of social determinants of health and cardiometabolic factors on cognitive and functional aging in Colombian underserved populations.. 45. 2023
- Expanding the horizon of research into the pathogenesis of the white matter diseases: Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Workshop of the Albert Research Institute for White Matter and Cognition. 2021
- Common transcriptome, plasma molecules, and imaging signatures in the aging brain and a Mendelian neurovascular disease, cerebral cavernous malformation.. 42. 2020
- Validation of a geropathology grading system for aging mouse studies.. 41. 2019
- The role of age-associated autonomic dysfunction in inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. 2022