publication venue for
- Relationship Between Alzheimer Disease Imaging Biomarkers and Performance on the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery in Late-middle Age Hispanics.. 38. 2024
- Evidence of Pericyte Damage in a Cognitively Normal Cohort: Association With CSF and PET Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease.. 38. 2024
- Alzheimer Disease and Cancer: A National Inpatient Sample Analysis.. 34. 2020
- Baseline differences and trajectories of change for deceased, placed, and community residing Alzheimer disease patients.. 24. 2010
- Dementia patient suffering and caregiver depression.. 22. 2008
- A 24-week randomized, controlled trial of memantine in patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer disease.. 21. 2007
- Advanced dementia research in the nursing home: the CASCADE study.. 20. 2006
- The validity and reliability of scales for the evaluation of end-of-life care in advanced dementia.. 20. 2006
- How well are clinicians following dementia practice guidelines?. 16. 2002
- A historical review of the concept of vascular dementia: lessons from the past for the future.. 13 Suppl 3. 1999
- Alzheimer disease research: have we forgotten the cerebrovascular circulation?. 22. 2008
- Oxidative stress and transcriptional regulation in Alzheimer disease. 2007
- Translating current knowledge into dementia prevention. 2012
- Executive control function: a rational basis for the diagnosis of vascular dementia. 1999
- Nonneural markers in Alzheimer disease. 1992
- Diagnostic criteria for vascular cognitive disorders: a VASCOG statement. 2014