publication venue for
- Predictors and outcomes of cardiac complications following elective coronary bypass grafting.. 111. 1999
- Delayed wound healing and disorganized neovascularization in transgenic mice expressing the IP-10 chemokine.. 110. 1998
- In vivo gene expression of type 1 and type 2 cytokines in synovial tissues from patients in early stages of rheumatoid, reactive, and undifferentiated arthritis.. 109. 1997
- Selective induction of a cationic amino acid transporter by tumor necrosis factor-alpha in vascular endothelium.. 108. 1996
- Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse transcriptase by heme and synthetic heme analogs.. 108. 1996
- Calcitonin gene-related peptide modulates Langerhans cell antigen-presenting function. 1995
- Cytokines in heart failure: pathogenetic mechanisms and potential treatment. 1999