publication venue for
- Approach to Intrapartum Fever During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A New York City Hospital Experience. 2024
- Delta Variant Neutralizing Antibody Response following Maternal COVID19 Vaccination. 2023
- Preparing your healthcare facility for the new fungus among us: An infection preventionist's guide to Candida auris.. 48. 2020
- A comparison of the incidence of midline catheter-associated bloodstream infections to that of central line-associated bloodstream infections in 5 acute care hospitals.. 48. 2019
- Pitfalls and Unexpected Benefits of an Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring System.. 47. 2019
- Predictors of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci co-colonization among nursing facility patients.. 47. 2018
- Bacterial burden is associated with increased transmission to health care workers from patients colonized with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus.. 47. 2018
- Infection control IV: Moving forward- infection preventionists' scope of practice.. 46. 2018
- Overreporting healthcare-associated C. difficile: A comparison of NHSN LabID with clinical surveillance definitions in the era of molecular testing.. 46. 2018
- Infection control III: Infection prevention and control as mediators.. 45. 2017
- Improving case finding of invasive aspergillosis in children using string searches.. 44. 2016
- Infection control II: A practical guide to getting to zero.. 44. 2016
- Asymptomatic rectal colonization with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium difficile among residents of a long-term care facility in New York City.. 44. 2016
- Control of norovirus outbreak on a pediatric oncology unit.. 43. 2015
- Infection control: Public reporting, disincentives, and bad behavior.. 43. 2015
- Reduction in the prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in New York City.. 43. 2015
- Provider perspectives on the use of indwelling urinary catheters in older adults in emergency department settings: developing a novel clinical protocol.. 43. 2015
- A Compendium of Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2014 Updates.. 42. 2014
- Risk factors and outcomes of infections caused by extremely drug-resistant gram-negative bacilli in patients hospitalized in intensive care units.. 42. 2014
- Unrelated strain methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization of health care workers in a neonatal intensive care unit: findings of an outbreak investigation.. 41. 2013
- Support for mandatory health care worker influenza vaccination among allied health professionals, technical staff, and medical students.. 41. 2012
- Self-administered preoperative antiseptic wash to prevent postoperative infection after deep brain stimulation.. 40. 2011
- Practically speaking: rethinking hand hygiene improvement programs in health care settings.. 39. 2011
- Diurnal variation in hand hygiene compliance in a tertiary level multidisciplinary intensive care unit.. 38. 2010
- Prospective cohort study of central venous catheters among internal medicine ward patients.. 34. 2006
- Impact of StatLock securing device on symptomatic catheter-related urinary tract infection: a prospective, randomized, multicenter clinical trial.. 34. 2006
- Banning artificial nails from health care settings.. 30. 2002
- Rotavirus outbreak on a pediatric oncology floor: possible association with toys.. 28. 2000
- Evaluation of an interdisciplinary re-isolation policy for patients with previous Clostridium difficile diarrhea.. 26. 1998
- Hepatitis B vaccination program at a New York City hospital: seroprevalence, seroconversion, and declination.. 26. 1998
- Comparison of induced versus expectorated sputum for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis by acid-fast smear.. 25. 1997
- Benefit of two-step PPD testing of new employees at a New York City hospital.. 25. 1997
- Dramatic decrease in tuberculin skin test conversion rate among employees at a hospital in New York City.. 23. 1995
- Tuberculin skin test conversion in hospital employees vaccinated with bacille Calmette-Guérin: recent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection or booster effect?. 23. 1995
- Evidence-based practices to increase hand hygiene compliance in health care facilities: An integrated review. 2016