publication venue for
- Baseline GABA+ levels in areas associated with sensorimotor control predict initial and long-term motor learning progress. 2023
- Graph-matching distance between individuals' functional connectomes varies with relatedness, age, and cognitive score. 2023
- Early effect of thrombolysis on structural brain network organisation after anterior-circulation stroke in the randomized WAKE-UP trial. 2022
- Brain-wide versus genome-wide vulnerability biomarkers for severe mental illnesses.. 43. 2022
- Landmark-guided region-based spatial normalization for functional magnetic resonance imaging.. 43. 2022
- The additive impact of cardio-metabolic disorders and psychiatric illnesses on accelerated brain aging.. 43. 2022
- Shared functional connections within and between cortical networks predict cognitive abilities in adult males and females. 2021
- Causal structural covariance network revealing atrophy progression in Alzheimer's disease continuum.. 42. 2021
- Distinct functional and structural connections predict crystallised and fluid cognition in healthy adults.. 42. 2021
- Sex classification using long-range temporal dependence of resting-state functional MRI time series.. 41. 2020
- Psychosocial stress reactivity habituates following acute physiological stress.. 41. 2020
- Translating ENIGMA schizophrenia findings using the regional vulnerability index: Association with cognition, symptoms, and disease trajectory.. 43. 2020
- Amygdala subnuclei volume in bipolar spectrum disorders: Insights from diffusion-based subsegmentation and a high-risk design.. 41. 2020
- Longitudinal increases in structural connectome segregation and functional connectome integration are associated with better recovery after mild TBI.. 40. 2019
- Brain biomarkers and cognition across adulthood.. 40. 2019
- Omission of temporal nuisance regressors from dual regression can improve accuracy of fMRI functional connectivity maps.. 40. 2019
- Longitudinally consistent estimates of intrinsic functional networks.. 40. 2019
- Reward-related regions form a preferentially coupled system at rest.. 40. 2018
- White matter tract network disruption explains reduced conscientiousness in multiple sclerosis.. 39. 2018
- Reproducible network and regional topographies of abnormal glucose metabolism associated with progressive supranuclear palsy: Multivariate and univariate analyses in American and Chinese patient cohorts.. 39. 2018
- Disruption of network for visual perception of natural motion in primary dystonia.. 39. 2017
- Relations between cortical thickness, serotonin 1A receptor binding, and structural connectivity: A multimodal imaging study.. 39. 2017
- BOLD neurovascular coupling does not change significantly with normal aging.. 38. 2017
- Brain atrophy can introduce age-related differences in BOLD response.. 38. 2017
- Parkinson's disease-related network topographies characterized with resting state functional MRI.. 38. 2016
- Structural connectome disruption at baseline predicts 6-months post-stroke outcome.. 37. 2016
- Profilometry: A new statistical framework for the characterization of white matter pathways, with application to multiple sclerosis.. 37. 2015
- Dopaminergic correlates of metabolic network activity in Parkinson's disease.. 36. 2015
- Exploring the brain's structural connectome: A quantitative stroke lesion-dysfunction mapping study.. 36. 2015
- Acute effect of glucose on cerebral blood flow, blood oxygenation, and oxidative metabolism.. 36. 2014
- Spatial patterns of genome-wide expression profiles reflect anatomic and fiber connectivity architecture of healthy human brain.. 35. 2014
- Statistical improvements in functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses produced by censoring high-motion data points.. 35. 2013
- Characterization of disease-related covariance topographies with SSMPCA toolbox: effects of spatial normalization and PET scanners.. 35. 2013
- Network-based analysis reveals stronger local diffusion-based connectivity and different correlations with oral language skills in brains of children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders.. 35. 2012
- Loss in connectivity among regions of the brain reward system in alcohol dependence.. 34. 2012
- Probabilistic tractography recovers a rostrocaudal trajectory of connectivity variability in the human insular cortex.. 33. 2011
- Distinct functional networks associated with improvement of affective symptoms and cognitive function during citalopram treatment in geriatric depression.. 32. 2010
- An entorhinal cortex sulcal pattern is associated with Alzheimer's disease.. 30. 2009
- Temporal lobe and "default" hemodynamic brain modes discriminate between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.. 29. 2008
- Sex specificity of ventral anterior cingulate cortex suppression during a cognitive task.. 28. 2007
- Executive processes in Parkinson's disease: FDG-PET and network analysis.. 22. 2004
- Early stage Parkinson's disease patients and normal volunteers: comparative mechanisms of sequence learning.. 20. 2003
- Learning networks in health and Parkinson's disease: reproducibility and treatment effects.. 19. 2003
- An fMRI study comparing brain activation between word generation and electrical stimulation of language-implicated acupoints.. 18. 2003
- Sensitivity of prefrontal cortex to changes in target probability: a functional MRI study.. 13. 2001
- Functional networks in motor sequence learning: abnormal topographies in Parkinson's disease.. 12. 2001
- Activation of the prefrontal cortex in a nonspatial working memory task with functional MRI.. 1. 1994
- Regional brain activity when selecting a response despite interference: An H2 (15) O PET study of the stroop and an emotional stroop.. 1. 1994
- The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain-behavior relationships after stroke. 2020
- Imaging genetics and development: challenges and promises. 2010