publication venue for
- Isoflurane-Induced Burst Suppression Is a Thalamus-Modulated, Focal-Onset Rhythm With Persistent Local Asynchrony and Variable Propagation Patterns in Rats.. 14. 2021
- Selective Antagonism of A1 Adenosinergic Receptors Strengthens the Neuromodulation of the Sensorimotor Network During Epidural Spinal Stimulation.. 14. 2020
- Recurrent Network Dynamics; a Link between Form and Motion.. 11. 2017
- Comparison of haptic guidance and error amplification robotic trainings for the learning of a timing-based motor task by healthy seniors.. 9. 2015
- Experience-induced interocular plasticity of vision in infancy.. 5. 2011
- Identifying Basal Ganglia divisions in individuals using resting-state functional connectivity MRI.. 4. 2010
- Subpopulations of neurons in visual area v2 perform differentiation and integration operations in space and time.. 3. 2009
- Mu-opioid receptor and receptor tyrosine kinase crosstalk: Implications in mechanisms of opioid tolerance, reduced analgesia to neuropathic pain, dependence, and reward. 2022