publication venue for
- Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Natural Flavonoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Insights into Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Regulation. 2025
- Mathematical Modeling to Address Challenges in Pancreatic Cancer.. 20. 2020
- Computational Sampling and Simulation Based Assessment of Novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis Glutamine Synthetase Inhibitors: Study Involving Structure Based Drug Design and Free Energy Perturbation.. 16. 2016
- Prediction and Targeting of Interaction Interfaces in G-protein Coupled Receptor Oligomers. 2018
- Update on Hsp90 inhibitors in clinical trial. 2009
- Pharmacologic manipulation of nitric oxide signaling: targeting NOS dimerization and protein-protein interactions. 2007
- Recent developments of the PET imaging agents for metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5. 2007
- Hsp90: a novel target for cancer therapy. 2006
- Nodulisporic acid: its chemistry and biology. 2002