publication venue for
- Patterns of Adherence to Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Older Adults With Ischemic Heart Disease: An Analysis From the RESILIENT Trial of Mobile Health Cardiac Rehabilitation.. 45. 2024
- Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Following Open Repair for a Proximal Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm or Dissection.. 40. 2020
- Religiosity and Spirituality During Cardiac Rehabilitation: A LONGITUDINAL EVALUATION OF PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES AND EXERCISE CAPACITY.. 35. 2015
- Examining the effect of a patient navigation intervention on outpatient cardiac rehabilitation awareness and enrollment.. 33. 2013
- Herbal, vitamin, and mineral supplement use in patients enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program.. 32. 2012
- Demographic differences in religious coping after a first-time cardiac event.. 31. 2011
- Treatment of obesity in 2015. 2015