publication venue for
- Azathioprine-induced fever in autoimmune hepatitis. 2013
- Prevalence and factors associated with vitamin C deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease.. 28. 2022
- Systematic overview of hepatitis C infection in the Middle East and North Africa.. 24. 2018
- Fatty liver in hepatitis C patients post-sustained virological response with direct-acting antivirals.. 24. 2018
- Disruptive behavior in the workplace: Challenges for gastroenterology fellows.. 23. 2017
- Post-discharge complications after esophagectomy account for high readmission rates.. 22. 2016
- Aspartate transaminase to platelet ratio index in hepatitis C virus and Schistosomiasis coinfection.. 21. 2015
- Expanding the view of a standard colonoscope with the Third Eye Panoramic cap.. 21. 2015
- Frequency and associated factors of hair loss among patients with inflammatory bowel disease.. 21. 2015
- Caecal pH is a biomarker of excessive colonic fermentation.. 20. 2014
- Histological healing favors lower risk of colon carcinoma in extensive ulcerative colitis.. 20. 2014
- Photodynamic therapy vs radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's dysplasia: efficacy, safety and cost-comparison.. 19. 2013
- Microbial manipulation as primary therapy for Crohn's disease.. 19. 2013
- Interleukin-28 and hepatitis C virus genotype-4: treatment-induced clearance and liver fibrosis.. 18. 2012
- Acute pancreatitis in aging animals: loss of pancreatitis-associated protein protection?. 18. 2012
- Approach to early-onset colorectal cancer: clinicopathological, familial, molecular and immunohistochemical characteristics.. 16. 2010
- Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to predict response of hepatocellular carcinoma to chemoembolization.. 16. 2010
- Microalbuminuria in hepatitis C-genotype 4: effect of pegylated interferon and ribavirin.. 16. 2010
- Prevalence of diverticulosis in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection.. 16. 2010
- Antioxidant therapy for chronic hepatitis C after failure of interferon: results of phase II randomized, double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial.. 13. 2007
- Dexamethasone mediates protection against acute pancreatitis via upregulation of pancreatitis-associated proteins.. 12. 2006
- Treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 4 with peginterferon alfa-2a: impact of bilharziasis and fibrosis stage.. 12. 2006
- Pancreatic regenerating protein (reg I) and reg I receptor mRNA are upregulated in rat pancreas after induction of acute pancreatitis.. 12. 2006
- The effect pathway of retinoic acid through regulation of retinoic acid receptor alpha in gastric cancer cells.. 7. 2001
- Effect of gastrectomy on G-cell density and functional activity in dogs.. 6. 2000
- Bioartificial liver support for fulminant hepatic failure.. 5. 1999
- Management of parastomal ulcers.. 12. 2006
- Changing face of irritable bowel syndrome.. 12. 2006
- Impact of obesity treatment on gastroesophageal reflux disease. 2016
- Gastrointestinal Behçet's disease: a review. 2015
- Potential for human immunodeficiency virus parenteral transmission in the Middle East and North Africa: an analysis using hepatitis C virus as a proxy biomarker. 2014
- Role of ¹⁸F 2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography in upper gastrointestinal malignancies. 2011
- Gastroenterology in developing countries: issues and advances. 2009
- Surgical solutions to the problem of massive weight loss. 2006
- Evolution in the treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma of the liver. 2006
- Surgical perspectives in gastrointestinal disease: a study of quality of life outcomes in esophageal, pancreatic, colon, and rectal cancers. 2006
- Clinical considerations in the management of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis cirrhosis pre- and post-transplant: A multi-system challenge. 2020
- Biomarkers and subtypes of deranged lipid metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2019
- Management of pancreatic fluid collections: A comprehensive review of the literature. 2016
- Hepatitis C infection and lymphoproliferative disease: accidental comorbidities? 2014
- Exploiting novel molecular targets in gastrointestinal cancers. 2007