publication venue for
- Mechanisms and weapons in physical elder abuse injuries: Findings from legally adjudicated cases. 2023
- Follow-up household assessment for child unintentional injuries two years after the intervention: A community-based study from Karachi, Pakistan. 2022
- Apex posterior angulation of the humerus: A characterization of normal sagittal plane anatomy with implications for surgical fixation.. 54. 2022
- Association of age and severe injury in young motorcycle riders: A cross-sectional study from Karachi, Pakistan. 2022
- Proximal tibia fracture dislocations: Management and outcomes of a severe and under-recognized injury.. 53. 2021
- Outcomes of periprosthetic distal femur fractures following total knee arthroplasty: Intramedullary nailing versus plating.. 52. 2021
- Arthroscopic characterization of syndesmotic instability in the coronal plane: Exactly what measurement matters?. 52. 2021
- A novel translation system for circular external fixation to correct translational bony deformities.. 52. 2020
- Neck injuries - israel defense forces 20 years' experience.. 52. 2020
- Risk of malnutrition in orthopedic trauma patients with surgical site infections is associated with increased morbidity and mortality - a 3-year follow-up study.. 51. 2020
- Complication Rates after Lateral Plate Fixation of Periprosthetic Distal Femur Fractures: A Multicenter Study.. 51. 2020
- A Comparison in Outcomes of Preoperative Single-shot versus Continuous Catheter Fascia Iliaca Regional Anesthesia in Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients.. 51. 2020
- Evaluating the reoperation rate and hardware durability of three stabilizing implants for 105 malignant pathologic humerus fractures.. 51. 2020
- Factors associated with adverse events after distal tibiofibular syndesmosis fixation.. 51. 2019
- Routine postoperative radiographs after tibia plateau fixation have minimal impact on patient care.. 50. 2019
- Periprosthetic femoral nonunions treated with internal fixation and bone grafting.. 49. 2018
- Long-term patient reported outcomes following acetabular fracture fixation.. 49. 2018
- Equivalent mortality and complication rates following periprosthetic distal femur fractures managed with either lateral locked plating or a distal femoral replacement.. 49. 2017
- Closed incision negative pressure therapy decreases complications after periprosthetic fracture surgery around the hip and knee.. 49. 2017
- Post-traumatic cervical spine epidural hematoma: Incidence and risk factors.. 48. 2017
- Three-dimensional comparison of alternative screw positions versus actual fixation of scaphoid fractures.. 48. 2017
- Simulating clamp placement across the trans-syndesmotic angle of the ankle to minimize malreduction: A radiological study.. 48. 2017
- The results of tension band rotator cuff suture fixation of locked plating of displaced proximal humerus fractures.. 48. 2016
- Geriatric assault victims treated at U.S. trauma centers: Five-year analysis of the national trauma data bank.. 47. 2016
- Ability of modern distal tibia plates to stabilize comminuted pilon fracture fragments: Is dual plate fixation necessary?. 47. 2016
- Surgical approaches to intramedullary nailing of the tibia: Comparative analysis of knee pain and functional outcomes.. 47. 2016
- Medical management of osteoporosis and the surgeons' role.. 47 Suppl 1. 2016
- The hazards of off-road motor sports: Are four wheels better than two?. 47. 2015
- Bicycle helmets are highly protective against traumatic brain injury within a dense urban setting.. 46. 2015
- A biomechanical study of standard posterior pelvic ring fixation versus a posterior pedicle screw construct.. 46. 2015
- Is primary total elbow arthroplasty safe for the treatment of open intra-articular distal humerus fractures?. 45. 2014
- Long term results of acute Achilles repair with triple-bundle technique and early rehabilitation protocol.. 45. 2014
- Unravelling the debate over orthopaedic trauma transfers: The sender's perspective.. 44. 2013
- Management of nonunions of the proximal humeral diaphysis.. 41. 2010
- Extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (EFAST) in the diagnosis of pneumothorax: experience at a community based level I trauma center.. 42. 2010
- The injury severity score or the new injury severity score for predicting mortality, intensive care unit admission and length of hospital stay: experience from a university hospital in a developing country.. 39. 2007
- Operative management of periprosthetic femur fractures in the elderly using biological fracture reduction and fixation techniques.. 38 Suppl 3. 2007
- The medical and economic impact of preoperative cardiac testing in elderly patients with hip fractures.. 38 Suppl 3. 2007
- Radiographic outcomes of intertrochanteric hip fractures treated with the trochanteric fixation nail.. 38. 2007
- Open reduction and internal fixation of intraarticular tibial plateau nonunions.. 38. 2007
- Operative treatment of acute Achilles tendon ruptures: an institutional review of clinical outcomes.. 38. 2006
- Treatment of subtrochanteric nonunions.. 37. 2006
- Integral classification of injuries (ICI) to the bones, joints, and ligaments--application to injuries of the foot.. 35 Suppl 2. 2004
- First clinical results of the Locking Compression Plate (LCP).. 34 Suppl 2. 2003
- Reply to the letter to the Editor: The nature and consequences of camel-related injuries: A scoping review with special reference to Arab Middle Eastern countries. 2022
- Migrant mortality in Qatar. 2015
- Exploring the experience and burden of injury and acute care in Pakistan.. 54 Suppl 4. 2023