publication venue for
- Temporal generative models for learning heterogeneous group dynamics of ecological momentary assessment data.. 80. 2024
- Bias correction models for electronic health records data in the presence of non-random sampling.. 80. 2024
- Instrumented difference-in-differences.. 79. 2022
- Rejoinder to "Instrumented difference-in-differences".. 79. 2022
- A joint fairness model with applications to risk predictions for underrepresented populations.. 79. 2022
- Using the "Hidden" genome to improve classification of cancer types. 2020
- Bayesian compositional regression with structured priors for microbiome feature selection.. 77. 2020
- Testing tumors from different anatomic sites for clonal relatedness using somatic mutation data.. 77. 2020
- Estimating the probability of clonal relatedness of pairs of tumors in cancer patients.. 74. 2017
- A statistical method for detecting differentially expressed SNVs based on next-generation RNA-seq data.. 73. 2016
- Estimation of sparse directed acyclic graphs for multivariate counts data.. 72. 2016
- Testing for independence in J×K contingency tables with complex sample survey data.. 71. 2015
- Modeling clinical endpoints as a function of time of switch to second-line ART with incomplete data on switching times.. 69. 2013
- Hierarchical modeling for estimating relative risks of rare genetic variants: properties of the pseudo-likelihood method.. 67. 2010
- Forcing function diagnostics for nonlinear dynamics.. 65. 2009
- Statistical tests for clonality.. 63. 2007
- Two-stage designs for gene-disease association studies with sample size constraints.. 60. 2004
- Two-stage designs for gene-disease association studies.. 58. 2002
- Properties of a nonparametric test for early comparison of treatments in clinical trials in the presence of surrogate endpoints.. 55. 1999
- Accurate confidence limits for quantiles under random censoring.. 53. 1997
- Optimal sample size for a series of pilot trials of new agents.. 52. 1996
- Operating characteristics of a rank correlation test for publication bias.. 50. 1994
- A model for incorporating historical controls into a meta-analysis.. 47. 1991
- Evaluation of efficient designs for observational epidemiologic studies.. 43. 1987
- Treatment allocation for nonlinear models in clinical trials: the logistic model.. 40. 1984
- Assessment of diagnostic tests when disease verification is subject to selection bias.. 39. 1983
- A study of the use of the probability-of-being-in-response function as a summary of tumor response data.. 38. 1982
- A treatment allocation procedure for sequential clinical trials.. 36. 1980
- Letter to the editor of Biometrics.. 63. 2007