publication venue for
- Miscellaneous inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions: Always a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.. 30. 2016
- Clinical advances - from bench to bedside. 2020
- The management of surgery and therapy for rheumatic disease. 2019
- Checkpoint inhibitor-associated autoimmunity. 2019
- Management of hepatitis B and C infections in rheumatologic disease. 2018
- Understanding the role of environmental factors in the development of systemic lupus erythematosus. 2017
- Imaging in mechanical back pain: Anything new? 2016
- Advancements in the management of uveitis. 2016
- Arthroplasty in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Mitigating risks and optimizing outcomes. 2015
- Early rheumatoid arthritis: the performance of the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria for diagnosing RA. 2013
- Infection and musculoskeletal conditions: Imaging of musculoskeletal infections. 2006
- What are the goals and principles of management in the early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis? 2005
- Reframing health disparities in SLE: A critical reassessment of racial and ethnic differences in lupus disease outcomes. 2023
- A comprehensive framework for navigating patient care in systemic sclerosis: A global response to the need for improving the practice of diagnostic and preventive strategies in SSc. 2021
- Management of difficult osteoporosis. 2019
- Management of difficult polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis: Updates for clinical practice. 2019
- Management of pregnancy and lactation. 2019
- Health economic evidence gaps and methodological constraints in low back pain and neck pain: Results of the Research Agenda for Health Economic Evaluation (RAHEE) project. 2017
- Sarcoidosis: Rheumatology perspective. 2016
- Update on the biology of the chondrocyte and new approaches to treating cartilage diseases. 2006