publication venue for
- An updated systematic review of HPV genotype distribution by cervical disease grade in women living with HIV highlights limited findings from Latin America. 2021
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Seroprevalence Among Different National Populations of Middle East and North African Men.. 45. 2018
- High Baseline Anal Human Papillomavirus and Abnormal Anal Cytology in a Phase 3 Trial of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals Older Than 26 Years: ACTG 5298.. 45. 2018
- Trends in Adult Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Prevalence, Incidence and Urethral Discharge Case Reporting in Morocco over 1995-2015-Estimates Using the Spectrum-Sexually Transmitted Infection Model.. 44. 2017
- Characterization of Immunoglobulin A/G Responses During 3 Doses of the Human Papillomavirus-16/18 ASO4-Adjuvanted Vaccine.. 43. 2016
- Sexually transmitted infection trends among gay or bisexual men from a clinic-based sentinel surveillance system in British Columbia, Canada.. 42. 2015
- The cost of implementing rapid HIV testing in sexually transmitted disease clinics in the United States.. 41. 2014
- Population level impact of an imperfect prophylactic vaccine for herpes simplex virus-2.. 37. 2010
- Missed and delayed syphilis treatment and partner elicitation: a comparison between STD clinic and non-STD clinic patients.. 36. 2009
- Using e-mail to notify pseudonymous e-mail sexual partners.. 34. 2007
- The embarrassing epidemic.. 9. 1982