publication venue for
- A novel approach for repair of right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and hepatopulmonary fusion. 2024
- Opacification of a scleral-sutured Akreos AO60 intraocular lens in the absence of concurrent or subsequent surgery: a case series. 2023
- Contralateral diaphragmatic injury sustained from transhumeral amputation: an unusual case and brief literature review. 2022
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support and total thyroidectomy in patients with refractory thyroid storm: case series and literature review. 2022
- A rare complication of testicular infarction after femorofemoral bypass highlighting the importance of surgical technique. 2019
- Retrograde embolization of anterior tibial artery for an iatrogenic arterio-venous fistula causing left lower extremity claudication. 2018
- Pylephlebitis with splenic abscess following transrectal prostate biopsy: rare complications of intra-abdominal infection. 2017
- Stent graft repair of anastomotic pseudoaneurysm of femoral-popliteal bypass graft following patch angioplasty. 2016
- Mediastinal emphysema following fracture of the orbital floor. 2014
- Duodenal web associated with malrotation and review of literature. 2013
- Management of ampullary carcinoid tumors with pancreaticoduodenectomy.. 2010. 2010