publication venue for
- Thrombosis of axillary-femoral bypass secondary to prosthesis suspension belt. 1989
- Establishing Minimal Clinically Important Differences for the Cognitive and Linguistic Scale (CALS) in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation. 2025
- Screening for Delirium during Pediatric Brain Injury Rehabilitation. 2024
- Changes in the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care Domains in Persons With Stroke During the First Year After Discharge From Inpatient Rehabilitation.. 102. 2021
- Minimum Competency Recommendations for Programs That Provide Rehabilitation Services for Persons With Disorders of Consciousness: A Position Statement of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems.. 101. 2020
- Subgroups Defined by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Differ in Functional Gain During Acute Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation.. 101. 2019
- Ethical, Palliative, and Policy Considerations in Disorders of Consciousness.. 99. 2018
- Association Between 2 Measures of Cognitive Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Their Relation to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Persons With Stroke.. 98. 2017
- Randomized Controlled Trial of a Home-Based Action Observation Intervention to Improve Walking in Parkinson Disease.. 97. 2016
- Factors associated with pain reduction after transforaminal epidural steroid injection for lumbosacral radicular pain.. 95. 2014
- Hemodynamic effects of L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (Droxidopa) in hypotensive individuals with spinal cord injury.. 94. 2013
- Central hypersensitivity in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome.. 93. 2012
- Sex and body mass index correlate with Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index and quality of life scores in knee osteoarthritis.. 92. 2011
- Orthostatic effects of midodrine versus L-NAME on cerebral blood flow and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in tetraplegia.. 92. 2011
- The Mini-Mental State Examination and Montreal Cognitive Assessment in persons with mild subacute stroke: relationship to functional outcome.. 92. 2011
- Clinical implications of using the arm motor ability test in stroke rehabilitation.. 92. 2011
- Effects of midodrine hydrochloride on blood pressure and cerebral blood flow during orthostasis in persons with chronic tetraplegia.. 91. 2010
- Orthostatic responses to nitric oxide synthase inhibition in persons with tetraplegia.. 90. 2009
- Preventing recurrent pressure ulcers in veterans with spinal cord injury: impact of a structured education and follow-up intervention.. 89. 2008
- The role of botulinum toxin type A in the radiation fibrosis syndrome: a preliminary report.. 89. 2008
- Cognitive impairment in patients with traumatic brain injury and obstructive sleep apnea.. 88. 2007
- The role of the Back Rx exercise program in diskogenic low back pain: a prospective randomized trial.. 88. 2007
- Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on ankle and foot kinematics in patients with subtalar osteoarthritis.. 87. 2006
- Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on ankle and foot kinematics in patient with ankle osteoarthritis.. 87. 2006
- Heterotopic ossification in Guillain-Barré syndrome: incidence and effects on functional outcome with long-term follow-up.. 87. 2006
- The role of subacromial shoulder irrigation in the treatment of calcific rotator cuff tendinosis: a case series.. 86. 2005
- Neck pain in demolition derby drivers.. 86. 2005
- The role of capsular distention in adhesive capsulitis.. 84. 2003
- Role of hylan G-F 20 in treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.. 84. 2003
- Management of knee osteoarthritis: knee lavage combined with hylan versus hylan alone.. 84. 2003
- Treatment of chronic lumbar diskogenic pain with intradiskal electrothermal therapy: a prospective outcome study.. 84. 2003
- Functional deficits in athletes with a history of low back pain: a pilot study.. 83. 2002
- Functional outcome after inpatient rehabilitation in persons with subarachnoid hemorrhage.. 83. 2002
- Sleep disorders associated with traumatic brain injury.. 82. 2001
- Intradiskal electrothermal therapy: a preliminary histologic study.. 82. 2001
- Stability of the lumbar spine after intradiscal electrothermal therapy.. 82. 2001
- Wheelchair use by patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a survey of user characteristics and selection preferences.. 82. 2001
- Functional outcome of inpatient rehabilitation in persons with brain tumors.. 79. 1998
- Fluoroscopic transforaminal lumbar epidural steroids: an outcome study.. 79. 1998
- Pre-AIDS physical disability: data from the AIDS Time-Oriented Health Outcome Study.. 79. 1998
- A computer education program to improve physician awareness of rehabilitation hospital charges.. 79. 1998
- Lower extremity injuries in college athletes: relation between ligamentous laxity and lower extremity muscle tightness.. 77. 1996
- Persistent facial myoclonus: a negative prognostic sign in patients with severe brain injury.. 74. 1993
- Airway secretion clearance by mechanical exsufflation for post-poliomyelitis ventilator-assisted individuals.. 74. 1993
- Silent ischemia in rehabilitation patients: limited clinical utility of electrocardiographic monitoring.. 73. 1992
- Educational and social development among intensively treated young patients having cerebral palsy.. 54. 1973
- Response From the Authors.. 99. 2018
- Vocal fold paralysis and electromyography.. 84. 2003
- Pre-AIDS physical disability. 1999
- Chronic conversion disorders. 1998
- Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy: a definition for clinical research. A report of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005
- Focused review: physiatric management of HIV-related disability. 1996
- Post-traumatic Confusional State: A Case Definition and Diagnostic Criteria. 2020
- Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 1. Diagnosing and managing the injured worker with low back pain. 2002
- Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 2. Acute cervical spine and shoulder injuries in the industrial setting. 2002
- Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 3. Cumulative trauma disorders of the upper limb in computer users. 2002
- Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 5. Effective medical management of industrial injuries: from causality to case closure. 2002
- Industrial medicine and acute musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 6. Occupational health for special populations. 2002