publication venue for
- Estimation of the burden of out-of-hospital traumatic cardiac arrest in Karachi, Pakistan, using a cross-sectional capture-recapture analysis.. 13. 2020
- It's not just FaceTime: core competencies for the Medical Virtualist.. 12. 2019
- Aligning emergency care with global health priorities.. 11. 2018
- Characteristics of traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients presenting to major centers in Karachi, Pakistan-a longitudinal cohort study.. 11. 2018
- Characteristics and outcomes of pediatric patients presenting at Cambodian referral hospitals without appointments: an observational study.. 11. 2018
- A comparative, epidemiological study of acute renal colic presentations to emergency departments in Doha, Qatar, and Melbourne, Australia.. 11. 2018
- Isolated LOC in head trauma associated with significant injury on brain CT scan.. 10. 2017
- Telemedicine and its transformation of emergency care: a case study of one of the largest US integrated healthcare delivery systems.. 10. 2017
- Promoting an obesity education program among minority patients in a single urban pediatric Emergency Department (ED).. 8. 2015
- Is there a relationship between wound infections and laceration closure times?. 5. 2012
- Epidemiology of major incidents: an EMS study from Pakistan.. 4. 2011
- Health information technology in US emergency departments.. 3. 2010
- Diagnosis of enteric fever in the emergency department: a retrospective study from Pakistan.. 3. 2010
- Transport time to trauma facilities in Karachi: an exploratory study.. 1. 2008
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: outcome and its predictors among hospitalized adult patients in Pakistan.. 1. 2008
- Older adults and technology: in telehealth, they may not be who you think they are.. 11. 2018
- Stercoral colitis in the emergency department: a review of the literature. 2024